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Summary of Different Journals About Nurse Bullying

Essay Instructions:

Submit a summary of six of your articles (articles MUST be on NURSE BULLYING) on the discussion board. Discuss one strength and one weakness to each of these six articles on why the article may or may not provide sufficient evidence for your practice change. Articles must be scholarly or journal articles.

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Nurse bullying
There is a hidden culture in the nursing profession of bullying, name-calling, nurse hazing, and disruptive behavior in hospital units all over America. Bullying is defined as repeated, unwanted harmful actions which are intended to humiliate, offend and cause distress to the on receiving them. It is a serious problem which pauses threats to the patient’s safety, sanity and safety of the nurse and it also threatens the reputation of the nursing profession as a whole.
In the journal of nursing education and practice, an article Nurses eat their young by Gillespie et al. shows that bullying is an ongoing issue against nurses and it is well known within the society. intervention is necessary so as to prepare nursing students in order to prevent ad mitigate the bullying that they stand to face in their practice as nurses, (Gillespie, et al. 2017). The article serves the purpose of describing the development procedure and the efficacy of interventions for the use by the nursing faculty with nursing students before they get into the nursing profession. The proposed program is a multicomponent and multiyear education program which would potentially influence nursing education and the nursing practice in a positive way. There is the need to in cooperate the program into additional courses at the sophomore year of the nursing curricula. Bullying leads to poor mental health, decreased collaboration, ineffective communication, poor work management and reduced productivity.
In the journal of nursing research and practice, Gaffney et al talk about making things right in Nurses experiences with work place bullying. Bullying situations range from cynical remarks to a set up with a wrong patient chart. Bullying undermines the work of the nurse and also erodes the comfortability and security levels that an individual requires to perform at a professional level, (Gaffney, et al 2012). There is limited information on how nurses deal with bullying at their work places and how the bullying is resolved. Most institutions deny the presence of bullying hence creating a trend of silence which hinders resolution of the problem. Work place bullying leads to compromised performance, increased absenteeism, work dissatisfaction and stuff turnover. Bullying also threatens the delivery of quality healthcare to the patients. Work place bullying has to be viewed as a social process that the impact it has on an individual receiving it is very vital.
In the Journal of Professional Nursing, an article by Vessey et al. on Bullying of staff registered nurses in the work place tries was aimed at validating the perceptions of frequency and the patterns of bullying behaviors in the nursing profession all over the Unites States of America. The study was meant to develop future interventions against bullying, (Vessey, et al. 2009). Bullying is mainly carried out by the predominant group which made it the focus of the report. Senior nurses, charge nurses, nurse managers and physicians are the dominant perpetrators of bullying. Individuals that experience bullying usually falls back to family, ...
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