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Read response. William D. Schanbacher, The Global Food System

Essay Instructions:

a 2-page (12 pt. font, double spaced) paper. Please use a proper header

(includes your name, the date, the course and response #; example: Nelson, Prince

Rogers October 10, 2017 FOOD-UE 71.001, Response to Purple Rain) and cite the article

and page number properly (i.e. Harrington, 354).

Writing Prompt/s:

You are able to choose from the following options to focus your response on:

In all cases after you have selected the writings that you will comment on, please briefly

in 1-2 sentences summarize those selected articles/chapters/visual media.

1. Refer solely to the readings assigned to the entire cohort

2. Refer only to the readings assigned to your specific group.

3. Place two or more readings in conversation with one another. These can be

chosen from either category, or for example a Master Text (often theoretical) can

be put in conversation with a Group Selection (often case study based).

Use a critical voice.

State your case. Be able to support your opinions.

Feel free to agree, support, dispute, or contest the author that you are relating to.

Be succinct in your writing and sentence structure.

Check for grammatical and/or spelling errors.

When necessary cite texts that you have referenced.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reading Response
Author Name
University Name
Written by William D. Schanbacher, The Global Food System: Issues and Solutions is a thoughtful text that provides information regarding the fluctuating global food system. From the large-scale famine affecting various African and Asian regions to the overconsumption of unhealthy foods, the author sheds light on various factors that contribute to global food problems (Schanbacher, 2014). According to William D. Schanbacher, access to food is limited to a particular class, and ethical issues are taken into consideration while providing food to people living in different parts of the world.
The author explored the complexity of international food supply and demand and did not talk about how the problem affects people on a city level (Schanbacher, 2014). Various flaws in the current structure need to be paid attention to as soon as possible even though Schanbacher considers the political and socioeconomic issues to be behind the unwise production, distribution, and consumption of food.
According to Ali Ghasemzadeh (2012), big players in the dairy, egg, bagged green and meat industries are continuously providing people with unsafe food, and no one is paying attention to them for nearly ten years now. The biggest problem is not how the socioeconomic or political factors contribute to the unstable global food system. It is how to shut down all the factories and mills that are manufacturing and distributing unhygienic food at a large-scale. For instance, pasteurized milk is now given preference over the cow milk, and it is too expensive to be afforded by a large number of people. It means only a particular class (the wealthy) can afford to buy pasteurized milk, and the lives of the rest are ruined in one way or the other.
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