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High-risk Processes and High Alert Medications

Essay Instructions:

Brief summary description of the type of risk management plan you selected (new employee, specific audience, community-focused, etc.) and your rationale for selecting that example. Select a type of risk management plan that you are interested in writing about. For example, ER Risk Management, New employee orientation, patient safety etc. and then pick the type of facility that you are writing the risk management for.
Description of the recommended administrative steps and processes in a typical health care organization risk management program contrasted with the administrative steps and processes you can identify in your selected example plan. (Note: Select an example plan with sufficient data to be able to complete the assignment successfully.) Write a summary you would present to a top executives at your facility. Discuss what steps you would include in your risk management plan that could be potentially implemented by your facility.
Analyze the key agencies and organizations that regulate the administration of safe health care and the roles each play in the risk management oversight process. Do your research and list the compliance related agencies that govern the risk management that you choose to discuss. OSHA, Health Department maybe?
Evaluation of the selected exemplar risk management plan regarding compliance with the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM) standards relevant to privacy, health care worker safety, and patient safety. What does the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM) standards say about privacy, health care worker safety, and patient safety about your risk management plan.
Proposed recommendations or changes you would make to your selected risk management program example to enhance, improve, or to secure compliance standards. What changes do you propose to your senior leadership to enhance, improve, or to secure compliance standards.
Brief summary description of the type of risk management plan you selected (new employee, specific audience, community-focused, etc.) and your rationale for selecting that example. Select a type of risk management plan that you are interested in writing about. For example, ER Risk Management, New employee orientation, patient safety etc. and then pick the type of facility that you are writing the risk management for.
Description of the recommended administrative steps and processes in a typical health care organization risk management program contrasted with the administrative steps and processes you can identify in your selected example plan. (Note: Select an example plan with sufficient data to be able to complete the assignment successfully.) Write a summary you would present to a top executives at your facility. Discuss what steps you would include in your risk management plan that could be potentially implemented by your facility.
Analyze the key agencies and organizations that regulate the administration of safe health care and the roles each play in the risk management oversight process. Do your research and list the compliance related agencies that govern the risk management that you choose to discuss. OSHA, Health Department maybe?
Evaluation of the selected exemplar risk management plan regarding compliance with the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM) standards relevant to privacy, health care worker safety, and patient safety. What does the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM) standards say about privacy, health care worker safety, and patient safety about your risk management plan.
Proposed recommendations or changes you would make to your selected risk management program example to enhance, improve, or to secure compliance standards. What changes do you propose to your senior leadership to enhance, improve, or to secure compliance standards.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Risk Management Analysis
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Risk Management Program Analysis: Part One
For this paper, the chosen topic is high-risk processes and high alert medications. The target group for this paper includes providers, nursing staff, and pharmacists who are all tasked with preparing or administering high-risk medication, particularly anticoagulants. This subject was selected because, in a clinical setting, there is a high likelihood of errors especially when it comes to anticoagulant therapy.
High-alert medication refers to drugs that have an increased risk of causing detrimental effects when they are administered or used erroneously. Even though errors due to high-alert medications may or may not be frequent, the consequences of an error are mostly felt by patients (Belknap, 2001). Anticoagulants are reported to have the highest medication errors compared to any other medication (ISMO, 2014), thus, alleviating this problem is the point of focus for many hospitals and accrediting bodies.
Recommended Administrative Steps
In contemporary society, many regulatory bodies have begun noticing the impact that High-Alert Medications, alternatively known as HAMs, have on individual lives, and have established commendations for the steps required in their administration. First, State and Federal regulations and laws are the main contributing bodies; nonetheless, they rely significantly on outside organizations to assist in the identification of areas that could help advance the process medication administration. The CDC has also taken it upon itself to publish guidelines highlighting safe-practice and administration of medications.
It is recommended that the necessary information which is to be included in drug orders should include name, weight, age, drug name, time and date of the order, dosage, route, frequency, concentration, quality of duration, and specific instructions (if any). Strict guidelines are also set to ensure that members administering medication should be adequately trained in preparation, safe handling, and administering the medication.
The risks of anticoagulants, which are attributed to virtually 7% of all medication errors in invalids, can be alleviated by actions such as using standardized hospital protocols which are made accessible on all hospital floors and via the patient’s electronic health records (Henderson, 2013). Medical facilities have also placed policies regarding the use of anticoagulants. These policies allow hospital personnel to administer medication efficiently.
The facility that has the best processes is Kaiser Medical Center, San Leonardo. Of its many policies, this facility boasts of one specific policy that underscores protocols regarding the administration of anticoagulants. It incorporates points that are beneficial in safeguarding the patient along with the clinical staff from making errors when handling high-risk anticoagulants.
For anticoagulation therapy, Kaiser Medical Center underscores the use of preset orders. The preset order sets are beneficial in trimming down errors associated with the intricacy of dosing that is prevalent in anticoagulants. The development of these order sets was a collaborative agreement within the pharmaceutical department, which also validates the order sets. This policy further outlines conditions that can affect anticoagulant dosing such as stroke-related disorders, platelet or coagulant defect, ulcerative gastrointestinal disorders, and liver disease.
If an anticoagulant is being administered to an invalid through intravenous, the medication has to be infused via a smart pump, using guardrail protocols that offer an extra layer of safety (CareFusion, 2011). Intravenous medications represent the most severe...
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