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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Consumer and Provider Costs Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

In response to federal policy and service requirements, health insurance plans are increasingly developing high-deductible insurance policies and narrow networks. These types of policies requires the consumer to pay more out-of-pocket. To portray this in a positive light, this trend has been labeled as “consumer-based” to suggest that the consumer must pay more from their own funds and, thus, encourage consumers to make better health care choices. However, this could be labeled as a burden on the consumer. Write a 350-to 525 word article that identifies and evaluated the impact that federal or state health care policies are having on consumer costs. Explore both positive and negative effects.

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Consumer and Provider Costs
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Federal and state healthcare programs have significantly affected consumer spending. However, the implementation of healthcare plans such as Medicare and Medicaid along with the establishment of health insurance exchanges have resulted in a considerable drop in the number of uninsured individuals (Niles, 2016). Additionally, the level of quality of healthcare has also increased however; this has come at a massive cost for consumers. The paper will analyze the benefits and issues associated with federal and state healthcare plans for consumers.
Positive impacts of federal healthcare plans on consumer spending
Due to healthcare programs such as Obamacare, consumers can compare insurance plans that they can afford. Before Obamacare was introduced, an individual had to call each insurance company while negotiating for the most suitable prices. However, with the introduction of online exchanges, consumers have a highly transparent method of making proper comparisons and smart buying insurance choices.
Federal healthcare plans have made healthcare affordable for numerous people that could not previously afford it. With the expansion of Medicaid plans, twenty-nine states now cover individuals and families that earn above one hundred percent of the specified federal poverty level. Additionally subsidies have also been introduced in these plans that allow substantial discounts for lower-income employees and their families (Maurer & Smith, 2013). Through federal healthcare plans, medical care has become a reality for several people that previously had no affordable access to medical care.
Federal healthcare programs such as the Affordable Care Act have improved the health for individuals that would not have health insurance and also for those that had insurance. Through the expansion of coverage, the ACA has expanded access to necessary medical care (Niles, 2016). Greater access to care has led to a reduction in mortality, improvement of mental health and also the improvement of self-reported health status. Additionally, federal health care plans regardless of the costs have assisted in improving the quality and efficacy of care for all Americans. This ultimately contributes to better health outcomes while reducing the costs involved.
Negative issues associated with federal healthcare plans on consumer spending
Even though these state plans have numerous benefits, they also have multiple problems...
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