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Integrity in Scholarly Writing

Essay Instructions:

Topic : Academic intergrity

Need 3 references , not more than 5 years

Post a description of your experience of using Grammarly and SafeAssign and share at least one insight you gained about paraphrasing and avoiding plagiarism as a matter of academic integrity. Recommend at least one other online resource that supports scholarly writing, and explain your rationale. Lastly, share two APA formatting rules with the class and a specific page number in the APA manual where this rule can be located

Support your Discussion assignment with specific resources used in its preparation using APA formatting. You are asked to provide a reference for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Integrity in Scholarly WritingNameInstitutional AffiliationDate
I have learnt a lot in this unit especially the way in which I carry out the writing of my work. The unit has helped me to gain an understanding of plagiarism in depth and the presentation of someone’s ideas as your own ideas. I have learnt to make sure that I acknowledge people associated with the writing that I am doing as a way of avoiding the cases of plagiarism.
I have also come across great materials that can help to develop my scholarly writing. Such great tools include Grammarly and safe assign. Grammarly has helped me in developing the grammar that I use in the writing since it offers suggestions on how one should structure their sentences so that they can make sense to the reader. When one is revising their paper on Grammarly, you can also proofread to see if the suggestion made by Grammarly is making sense and see how to go about it.
I also used SafeAssign to check on the plagiarism of my paper. One of the things that I noticed is that there are sometimes when you can write your work and think that it is unique while in the real sense it is not unique. The tool helped me to recognize plagiarism in my work and I had to paraphrase the work. I also came anoth...
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