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Annotated Bibliography – The Birth of Cloning

Essay Instructions:

A. Your annotated bibliography should include the Case Study Topic along with 3 sources (From the SCIENCE ONLINE or PROQUEST database or Ebrary) and 3 summaries.
B. Each summary should be 2 paragraphs (total of 6 paragraphs for all 3 sources)
C. Each summary should include a brief summary of the source, an evaluation of the source and an explanation of how the information in this source can be used in your paper.

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Annotated Bibliography – The Birth of Cloning
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December 1, 2018
Yount, L. (2006). Clone Named Dolly. In L. Yount, Modern Genetics: Engineering Life. Infobase Publishing.
The birth of Dolly the Sheep has been another significant leap in the field of medicine and natural sciences. Before Dr. Ian Walmut’s discovery, it was a commonly held belief that creating a reversal of the process of aging, is almost impossible to do due to the sheer complexity of doing so. Nonetheless, it was Walmut’s discovery of the G0 process during cell devision, which made cloning possible. This process is given more details in the article, including the functions and importance of cell-cycle control mechanisms and maturation promoting factor (MPF).
In line with the main research of the author, this article would help provide a brief but concise overview of the stages that made cloning possible, its history, and the effects of such in the overall scientific community. However, while this article contains sufficient information, additional sources must also be utilized to narrow down on the process and provide more history about the life of those who made this feat possible.
Yount, L. (2006). Ian Wilmut and Cloning. In L. Yount, Modern Genetics: Engineering Life. Infobase Publishing.
In this article, the experiences of Dr. Ian Walmut, which turned him from a farmer to a scientist, would be discussed. As could be seen in the article, these experiences are the reason why a scientist (and his colleagues) has developed a question about the complexities of cloning. Additionally, the response of the public...
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