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The Plan Of A Physical Activity Report

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Just write a single plan of a physical report which should be no more than 500 words. You can see specific instruction in the resource that I upload.

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Physical Activity Plan
Physical Activity Plan
Enterprises have no physical activity policies in place with a few providing limited facilities for their workers. Separately, people in their respective homes do not engage in physical activities irrespective of the existing flexible working time that support people at work and homes. Most workers drive vehicles to their respective places of work while many staff remains seated on their desks for more than five hours while only participating in light activities. Therefore, many people only account for 30 minutes for their physical activities per week (Toi Te Ora Public Health Service, 2015). Development of the physical exercise through a plan into daily habit makes it easier for people to maintain their body fitness as they strictly follow the physical fitness program and plan. Thus, the present plan will show the various steps that a person need to ensure he or she remains physically fit.
Action and Evaluation Plan
The Goal of Physical Activity
* Encourage 68 percent of staff in a given entity to increase their physical activity levels to four hours per week.
* To decrease the number of staff reporting fatigue due to the sedentary lifestyle at work.
Main Areas of Change
1 Enterprise Change
* Development of a physical activity policy that encourages staff to increase their physical activity levels
* Incorporation of activity breaks in the meeting days and events that go beyond one hour
* Review of the flexible work policy
Task (the needed steps to make the activity happen)

Communication (how the staff will be made aware)

Timeline (when it should be done)

Responsibility (who will make the activity happen)

Resources (costs, equipment)

* Formation of physical activity sub-groups
* Develop a physical activity policy
* Agree on the policy
* Send the policy to staff for feedback
* Finalize policy
* Launch the policy

Review the flexible work policy
Consult staff
Gain approval for an amendment
Promote policy with staff

Get approval for incorporating activities on breaks during meetings
Promote the idea with staff

2 Physical Environment
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