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505-U6-3a Research Assignment On Health Statistics and Populations

Essay Instructions:

Health Statistics and Populations
Professional Competency addressed in this paper:
Apply concepts of multiculturalism and diversity to become an agent of change.
Select a health topic of interest such as breastfeeding, coronary heart disease, or juvenile diabetes that affects a specific population such as older adults or women of reproductive age or race. Locate health statistics for your selections. You must include national and state data. Your work may also include local county or city data if available. 
Additionally, research content regarding concepts of multiculturalism and diversity, and include interventions that address health disparities. 
Input your responses using a table similar to the one below. You may recreate the table in Word©. A Word document version of this table is available in Doc Sharing. Excel© files are not accepted. Need a title page and references page. 3 pages’ paper + 4 references within 5 years from 2017

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health Statistics and Populations
Data Search Directions

Summarize Your Findings

Coronary heart disease is among the leading causes of death in America
16.8 million people are affected by CAD in the US. In 2012, Center for Disease Control and Prevention singled out CAD as the most frequent cause of death among men and women. More than 607,000 deaths were reported in 2012 only. Concerns have been raised about the effects of CAD among young adults since it affects the workforce and the general economic production. Detection of coronary heart disease is critical in preventing many deaths (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014, p. 5).

 The varied symptoms among men and women among different ethnic groups can be challenging for many healthcare providers. Women are considered more susceptible to heart attacks, especially those above 55 years (Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2014, p. 3). Apart from gender, different ethnic groups have a different genetic composition; hence, some diseases like coronary heart disease are prevalent among a specific ethnic group compared to others (Healthy People 2020, 2016, p. 6). Health care providers overlook these differences when assessing patients.
CAD is known to be higher among African American as compared to other ethnic groups. Health inequalities exist among these groups due to several reasons (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2014). Different lifestyles, genetic factors, low-level education among others. Lack of access to health care service caused by discrimination is another factor causing inequality in health among African Americans (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2014, p. 25).

To locate relevant information for my research, I used online materials for my literature search. Using medical database site of Medline and EBSCOhost, I identify relevant research studies related to coronary artery disease (Fink, 2013, p 166). To generate the latest research studies, I narrowed down my research using keywords. The systematic search that involved specific subject line generated relevant topics. A systematic literature search is used to locate studies that identify a specific research question (Fink, 2013, p. 168).
I type keyword “coronary heart disease" and several articles were available related to cardiovascular disease. The strategic search technique helped me identify relevant articles (Fink, 2013). Strategic search is applicable when there are several articles are available. I used sub-topics like CAD among adults, during my search (Fink, 2013, p 160)..

 Several articles explained how CAD occurs when arterial plaque develops in the coronary arteries; it limits the blood flow because the arterial plaque narrows the coronary artery causing sudden rupture or blood clots (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2014, p 26). Risk factors for high blood pressure, genetical factors, postmenopausal for women and high choles...
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