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Nursing Research About High-Risk Nutritional Practices

Essay Instructions:

Examine the high-risk nutritional behaviors associated with different cultures. Identify the historical perspectives, belief systems, and other factors associated with these high-risk nutritional behaviors for each culture. Write a 1,500-3,000 word paper on your findings in which you accomplish the following:

Summarize the high risk-nutritional behaviors practiced among 10 different cultures.

Discuss the historical perspectives and belief systems of these cultures that influence the high-risk nutritional behaviors.

Explore additional influencing factors on high-risk behaviors for each culture. These may include, but are not limited to (a) education, (b) family roles, (c) spiritual beliefs, (d) health care practices, and (e) drug and alcohol use.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

High-Risk Nutritional Cultures Around the World
Healthy nutrition is an important part of a healthy society. Cultural factors influence the nutritional intake among members of diverse communities based on social, political, geographical and economic factors. Almost all communities have common menus loosely referred to as cuisines. Any community therefore has a standard cuisine which influences their standard nutritional intake and influences the average health standards of that community. High risk nutrition can be driven by cultural factors which are pertinent to a specific community. Communities with high-risk diet have common factors that influence their affinity to the specific menu that lacks recommended quality and quantity of nutritional value. High risk diet can lead to obesity of underweight issues and the conditions associated with these conditions thereof. Thus, the purpose of this essay is to examine ten cultures that expose its people to high risk nutritional behaviors and the factors pertinent to them thereof.
Nauru is a tiny island country in the south pacific that has become the fattest nation on earth. The country has an average body mass index of 34-35 which is alarmingly high CITATION Kha11 \l 1033 (Khambalia, et al., 2011). The tiny island has a population of less than 10000 people and its health problem has started affecting the social and economic development of the country. the obesity trend stemmed from importation of western fast food. The food was paid by proceeds from their phosphate mining economic activity and in relatively short period of time the whole island caught on. Popular western foods with high calorie value like chicken and cola became a norm and led to its current health crisis. Scientists also show that these islanders are genetically wired to be obese which further escalated the obesity issue. Currently, the nation is struggling with obesity related conditions like diabetes and huge resources being channeled to create awareness and reverse the trend.
American Samoa
American Samoa is a pacific island controlled by the united states. It has a population of roughly 700,000 people. 658,000 of the Samoans are overweight or obese which is a worrying trend CITATION Hel13 \l 1033 (Collis, 2013). Recently, the problem became so dire that airlines operating to this tiny island started charging an extra fee for overweight people. The overweight trend in this island is fueled by their appetite for imported food which is mainly highly calorific. Almost all of the food here is imported and expensive, so fast food chains are popular because of their fixed, low-cost menus. These factors coupled with relatively poor population who opt to consume food from the fast food chains has escalated the obesity problem. Just like Nauru, scientists have tracked down a gene in this country that is responsible for increased body mass CITATION Rya16 \l 1033 (Minster, et al., 2016). This gene coupled with the nation’s appetite for imported food mainly fast foods, has booked the people as one of the fattest nations on earth. Notably, traditional Samoa diet is rich in fiber and healthier than the fast food options.
Marshall Islands
The Marshall island also has a similar trend which seems to have taken root in the pacific islands. Most of the people in this country are obese and they have already started paying the hefty price of obesity. The health industry has recorded an upsurge I cases of diabetes and high blood pressure which are some of the conditions caused by overweightness and obesity. The island traditional cuisine is predominantly starchy. The starch in traditional foods of Marshall island residents range from 65%-755 which is then coupled with seafood. However, recently the country is importing much of its food and had adopted a western diet system. Much of the food consumed in the pacific islands including Marshall Islands is processed abroad and imported CITATION Sno13 \l 1033 (Snowdon, et al., 2013). The food includes large amounts of processed white sugar, white flour, canned meat and fish, margarine, mayonnaise, carbonated beverages, candies, cookies and breakfast cereals. All these foods are high in calorie value and fat and unfortunately has become mainstream diet for the people on this island.
Yemen population is averagely underweight and the people are paying a hefty price of the war which has ravaged the country for four years. The Yemen people barely have enough food to feed themselves as the war has halted agricultural activities and compromised international trade policies such that they cannot import enough food. The mobility of the food within the country is also challenging as ‘moving targets’ are commonly destroyed as they are perceived as a security threat. The people depend on poor diet which is mainly rice in small quantities. The children and most adults are underweight and lack important vitamins. At least 462,000 children suffer from severe acute malnutrition a number which has risen 200% since 2014 CITATION UNI17 \l 1033 (UNICEF, 2017). Acquisition of fruits or food supplements is almost impossible as the war effects continue to take root in the country. the people are now living on a piece of bread a day which is barely enough for energy requirement for the body. Bread is basically starch and thus protein and vitamin components of food are barely available.
The United States is one of the westernized country with wanting nutritional habits etched in their culture. The unhealthy habits have led to escalating obesity problem that is becoming a common trend in the country. Americans generally have increased their affinity of fast foods which are highly calorific. Additionally, their typical nutrition composition is starch and deep fried proteins and general dislike for vegetables. The culture which seems to be influenced by the media industry and aggressive marketing has led to high consumption of high calorie foods and poor exercising habits. Typical American diet must have added sugars and saturated fat which explains their obesity problem which has been on the rise since 1970s. American obesity and overweight issues are directly and indirectly caused by ...
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