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TASH Report

Essay Instructions:
TASH Research Library Reflection Paper: After reviewing the TASH (The Association for the Severely Handicapped) resource library, write a 2-3 page paper, not including the title and reference pages, using this website resource to: identify discrimination against students with low incidence discuss how schools/educators are addressing the discrimination discuss practices that promote equity Proper APA format with citations and references must be utilized.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Title Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name Date 1 Identify discrimination against students with low incidence. Prejudice is often demonstrated against marginalized individuals in society. Mainly, this includes students with an intellectual disability or multiple disabilities, resulting in discrimination. These individuals are frequently excluded from innovative classrooms for general education. They end up being housed in separate, closed, and secure learning compartments, thus having very little or no direct contact with their counterparts and other content forms in school. Almazan explained to TASH that 40% of children with disabilities spend their general education environments alone and unilaterally, preventing them from communicating with students with no disabilities and reducing their learning engagements. Thus, these students become isolated. This remains the case because of placement histories and misconceptions about laws like the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that permit segregation for students with disabilities if inclusion is deemed unworkable because of the child’s disability​ (Almazan, 2009; TASH, n.d.). 2 Discuss how schools or educators are addressing the discrimination. Schools and teachers today have started to ban discrimination through the...
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