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Choosing a Research Design
Essay Instructions:
Choosing a Research Design
Problem and purpose statements, along with the instruments selected to develop testable hypotheses, determine the most appropriate research design for a study. Based on your chosen scenario from the previous two modules and its associated hypothetical dataset, propose a research design which may suit the problem and purpose statements you composed. Choose from the following possible research designs:
A quasi-experimental, or causal-comparative/ex post facto study comparing a dependent variable (i.e., mean survey scores or mean test scores) on some independent variable (i.e., gender, years, of experience, or some other grouping variable). The comparison will likely be for significant difference between the groups.
A correlational study identifying any possible relationship between two continuous (non-dichotomous) or dependent variables (i.e., two subscale means or years of experience and mean survey scores).
An action research study assuming there is some intervention; focus on the kinds of descriptive statistics that could be used to evaluate the effect of such an intervention without worrying about randomized groups.
Develop an original response to the following questions:
Find a published study that uses a similar design; how did the researchers justify the use of the design for their study?
Who are the foundational methodologists you need to cite to justify your chosen design?
How would you explain the appropriateness of your selected design based on your problem and purpose statements? Do they need to be revised now that you know a bit more about the design you want to use?
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Choosing a Research Design
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I found one relevant published study titled Evaluating the Effect of a Training Program on Type 2 Diabetic Patient's Self‑Care: A Quasi‑Experimental Study by Hermis and Muhaibes (2024). A quasi-experimental design was used, and a pretest-posttest gauge was applied to see how such a program affected self-care behaviors among type 2 diabetic patients. This design was justified because it allowed the researchers to measure variation in an intervention on a naturally occurring group of participants. A quasi-experimental design allowed them to do this since the random assignment was impossible within their setting; therefore, it would effectively compare the pre- and post-intervention outcomes.
The foun...
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