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Organizational Ethical Standards, Part 3: Stakeholder Buy-In
Essay Instructions:
Organizational Ethical Standards, Part 3: Stakeholder Buy-In
An ethical decision-making (EDM) model applies an organization’s ethical values to help employees make decisions and solve ethical problems.
In this assignment, you will construct an ethical decision-making (EDM) model and incorporate the model into a 400- to 500-word blog post for an audience of organizational internal stakeholders.
Note: Continue envisioning yourself as a leader at your selected organization.
Step 1
Review the course readings and video presentations and conduct additional research using the ACE LibraryLinks to an external site.. Focus on ethical decision-making (EDM) models, stakeholder buy-in, stakeholder communication, and cultivating ethical organizational culture.
Step 2
Evaluate your survey responses from Module 3. Synthesize the data with your research to brainstorm an ethical decision-making model. Use the following questions to guide your thinking:
How might a survey respondent’s cultural background and values influence their response?
For what situations did respondents indicate they needed the most ethical decision-making support?
How do respondents perceive the role of ethical codes in guiding decisions?
Did respondents indicate emotional factors influencing ethical choices?
Step 3
Design your EDM model in a Word document. You may use a simple outline or incorporate SmartArt graphics or other graphics or charts.
Step 4
Compose 400-500 words in the style of a blog post for an audience of internal stakeholders. Your blog post should:
Explain the EDM model.
Illustrate how to use the EDM model.
Justify the EDM model’s alignment with stakeholder feedback (survey results), organizational goals, and its mission/vision.
Discuss the EDM model’s benefits and/or limitations.
Incorporate and refer to the EDM model as a visual element.
Use APA-formatted in-text citations to support your thinking. Cite your evidence in APA format in a reference list.
Note: Your finished assignment should look like an actual blog post. Instead of an APA-formatted essay, it should resemble an authentic, evidence-based EDM model blog post with APA-formatted in-text citations and a reference list. You do not need an APA-formatted title page.
Step 5
Submit your blog post as a Word document.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Organizational Ethical Standards, Part 3: Stakeholder Buy-In
American Express Ethical Decision-Making Model (EDM)
American Express encounters diverse ethical challenges that require the leadership to approach them appropriately and ensure that the solutions reflect the institution’s values. After analysis of the survey involving critical stakeholders in the company to determine the firm’s value appropriateness and their contribution to decision-making, findings reveal the need for integrating an ethical decision-making model (EDM) to facilitate such a process. This recommendation translated to formulating a cyclic EDM, highlighting its continuity in addressing emerging company problems. It will guide our leaders to overcome work-related dilemmas and reach ethical solutions.
What steps does the EDM Model constitute, and how do we use it?
The illustrated EDM represents the structured approach informed by the survey findings and the recently published ethical values. It includes five phases that resemble the EDM framework by Larres and Kelly (2023), demonstrating its consistency with other approved models. The first step emphasizes the need to rely on varied data to understand the problem while assessing the role of other associated factors, including emotions and cultural influences. Understanding and gaining insights through integrating American Express values such as integrity, respect, and inclusivity follows. By this moment, one should start evaluating the correctness of these insights and their consistency with the ...
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