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Final Assignment Instructions: EI Final Paper - Self Improvement Plan of Action
Essay Instructions:
For the final assignment, students will retake 2 Emotional Intelligence questionnaires (Either from the Bradberry and Greaves textbook or from the websites provided in the resource section below).
Students should note changes experienced throughout the seven-week class, and provide a written reflection of their EI strengths and weaknesses.
From this personal analysis, students will create a plan of action towards self management, social management, and conflict resolution.
What should be included in the final assignment?
Cover Page (formatted in APA 7th edition)
Student must clearly articulate EI scores earned in week 1 when they first took the EI questionnaire and then compare this to week 7 scores after they retook the EI questionnaire.
Was there improvement? Explain.
Body of Paper
Identify and explain in detail your EI strengths and weaknesses
Develop a personal plan of action towards self and social management.
Topics you might cover in personal plan of action:
Make a list of emotional intelligence goals that you plan to further develop in coming years.
Explain in detail why these goals will be beneficial to you personally and socially.
Based on EI weaknesses, what are some steps you might take towards regulating your emotions?
Based on EI strengths, what do you bring to the table that future employers will be interested in terms of emotional intelligence, connectivity, empathy, resilience, or other emotions?
Discuss conflict resolution skills that you plan to actively pursue on a personal and professional level.
Conclusion: Take time to reflect on what you have learned in this class.
Reference page: This should include a minimum of 4 references formatted according to APA 7th Edition formatting standards (more references are welcome, but 4 is the minimum).
2 references can be inclusive of your textbooks
1 scholarly reference
1 website
The final assignment should be 4-6 pages in length (The cover page and the reference page are in addition to the 4-6 pages required for the body of the paper).
Keep in mind, you are encouraged to begin work on the final assignment in week 6. However, the assignment is due in week 7.
Remember, when collecting source material, you will need at least 4 references (1 of them a scholarly reference from peer-reviewed journals); each reference must be cited within the text of the paper.
Paper must be formatted in APA style (7th Edition).
Be sure to review the rubric below to review the criteria and requirements for completing this assignment.
Resources for Assessment:
OPTION 1: Emotional Intelligence Appraisal Questionnaire (Links to an external site.) ($40 Value/Free with the purchase of a new Bradberry and Greaves Textbook). It allows you two opportunities to take the questionnaire.
OPTION 2: Test Your EQ quiz provided by the Institute for Health and Human Potential (Links to an external site.).
OPTION 3: The MEIT Emotional Intelligence Test (Links to an external site.) provided by Maetrix.
This activity is matched to the following Learning Outcomes: Complete end of course re-assessment: Emotional Intelligence Appraisal/Self Improvement Plan of Action, Understand and develop habits of mindfulness, Cultivate higher levels of self-knowledge and greater ability to guide and motivate others, Write clearly, concisely, and appropriately using standard English grammar, punctuation, usage, mechanics, sentence structure, and vocabulary, and Use appropriate APA format for scholarly writings.
EI Final Self Assessment/Self Improvement Plan - RUBRIC:100 points
EI Final Self Assessment/Self Improvement Plan - RUBRIC:100 points
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEI Self Assessment- Personal Score in week 1- Personal Score in week 2- Explain Results
20 pts
Exceeds Expectations
The student completed the EI Self Assessments in the first and final week of class. An explanation of EQ score results were clearly described in a compelling manner; appropriate citations were used to support claims.
17 pts
Meets Expectations
The student completed the EI self-assessment in the first and final week of class; an explanation of results was provided; the student-writer used adequate citations to support his/her claims.
14 pts
Needs Improvement
The student did not complete EI Self Assessment in the first or final week of class; No or only very little explanation of results was provided; no citations were provided to build on explanation of scores.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis/ Evaluation Of Strengths And Weakness Of Personal Scores On EI Questionnaire
20 pts
Exceeds Expectations
The student-writer clearly and concisely identified strengths and weaknesses of personal scores as described on EQ questionnaire; the student-writer provided thorough and strong evaluation of strengths and weaknesses along with appropriate supporting citations.
17 pts
Meets Expectations
The student-writer identified strengths and weaknesses of personal scores as described on EQ questionnaire; the student-writer provided an evaluation of strengths and weaknesses along with adequate supporting citations.
14 pts
Needs Improvement
The student-writer did not identify strengths and weaknesses of personal scores as described on EQ questionnaire; the student-writer did not demonstrate a thorough evaluation of strengths and weaknesses nor did they provide supporting citations.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePersonal Plan Of Action Towards Self And Social Management
20 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Personal plan of action was well organized and showed a high level of feasibility. Includes 4 or more self or social improvement EQ goals.
17 pts
Meets Expectations
Personal plan of action was reasonably organized and feasible. Includes at least two self or social improvement EQ goals.
14 pts
Needs Improvement
Personal plan of action was weak lacking organization and feasibility. Did not include self or social improvement EQ goals.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Writing Style
20 pts
Exceeds Expectations
The student-writer was clear, coherent, and concise; the writing was compelling, clearly organized, and easy to read; the thoughts were organized and developed in a logical sequence; there were no mistakes in grammar, spelling, or punctuation.
17 pts
Meets Expectations
Overall, writing was clear and easy to understand; no re-reading was necessary; most sentences were smooth to make each paragraph understandable; ideas were logically organized into paragraphs and supported with references to the literature; several (between 3-4) spelling and grammatical mistakes were found.
14 pts
Needs Improvement
The paper was difficult to read and understand due to the many errors and unclear writing and organization of thoughts; significant (more than 8) spelling and grammatical errors were found throughout the paper.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Formatting(APA, Citations, References, Etc.)
20 pts
Exceeds Expectations
References and quotations were all properly cited according to APA format; the entire paper was formatted correctly according to APA style.
17 pts
Meets Expectations
References or quotes were properly cited most of time; no more than 4 errors in formatting references, citations, and quotes were found; the cover sheet was formatted in accordance with APA style.
14 pts
Needs Improvement
More than 8 mistakes in formatting references, citations, and quotations were found; the cover sheet, text, and margins of the paper were incorrectly formatted in APA style.
20 pts
Total Points: 100
Here is my result in week one discussion
ISFJ means for introvert, sensing, feeling, and judging. That's what the personality test said about me. With a score of 70%, I was classified as an introvert, which means I prefer being alone rather than being around other people. The letter "S" stands for "sensing," and my score showed that I slightly preferred sensing to intuition (65%). I also got "F" for "feeling" over thinking (89%), and "J" for "judging" over perceiving (71%). These numbers really show what kind of person I am. The ISFJ personality type fits well with how I see myself; quiet, valuing close relationships over large social networks, and wanting order and careful thought when making choices. ISFJs often have a lot of empathy, loyalty, and support for others. This makes them great at helping others behind the scenes and in other jobs.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Emotional Intelligence Self-Improvement Plan
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s name
Emotional intelligence means assessing personal and other people's emotions and using that knowledge for personal and professional benefit. This is self-assessment, having been administered an Emotional Intelligence Appraisal test at the onset of this course, where it was shown that I have a good emotional quotient (EQ).
Emotional Intelligence Test Results: Week 1 vs. Week 7
In my first week's emotional intelligence appraisal, I received a "Good EQ," which means I understand emotional intelligence concepts very well. The focus was more on interpersonal aptitude, that is, the capacity to understand and appreciate emotions and focus on developing relationships. This concurred with my ISFJ personality outlook results, which read 70% introversion, 65% sense, 89% feeling, and 71% judging. These numbers indicate that I want to be a quiet cog in the big machine and tend to be more sensitive, listening to one's heart instead of logic.
In week seven, I retook the emotional intelligence test, and I was pleased to see we have slight progress with the constant pressure of increasing time to manage the overall levels of emotions. In the past several weeks, I have tried to pay more attention to my emotions, which were a factor in controlling these scenes; I have also achieved control over my emotions then. Nevertheless, the goals in my social management area or behavior, including conflict resolution and assertiveness, remain in progress.
Strengths and Weaknesses in Emotional Intelligence
Analyzing the data I collected during the program's first and seventh weeks, I can mention that preference can be found in empathy and emotional perspectives. The ISFJ personality characteristics inherent to me allow me to express my desire to assist people and build strong communication. The 89% feeling score I received from my ISFJ test indicates that sensing other people's emotions to develop rapport comes naturally to me, whether in a workplace or social setting. It makes me capable of intervening in social relations with understanding because it is essential to be a team member in an environment where people depend on one another.
However, the 70% introversion suggests my preference for work, putting me off balance sometimes when it comes to assertiveness or conflict situations. Moreover, despite a slight enhancement in the degree of emotional self-regulation by the results of the week seven assessments, I still have substantial difficulties managing feelings during stress. This has been instilled in me due to my personality or the ISFJ trait, which is a tendency to avoid conflict. I have to overcome this for my professional and personal development.
Personal Plan of Action: Self and Social Management
Emotional Intelligence Development Goals
To continue developing my emotional intelligence, I have set the following goals to improve emotional regulation:
1 To avoid high-strung reactions, I will employ practice for b...
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