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Justifying Research Designs

Essay Instructions:
Step 1. Justify Based on your selected scenario and the design you explored in the discussion, identify the quantitative research design you will use in your quantitative mini-project. Why is this design appropriate to your problem, purpose, and research questions? Explore the background of this design and cite appropriate and relevant methodologists. What are the requirements of this design? What are its scope and delimitations when applied to specific problems? This section should be about one page. Step 2. Identify Based on your selected scenario and the design you selected, what kinds of assumptions should you expect, especially related to the hypothetical sample size, administration of the instrument, data collection, etc.? What limitations are inherent in this type of research design? How can you acknowledge the extent to which the study can or cannot be generalized? This section should be about one page. Step 3. Design Based on your design, how many groups will your study have? How many comparisons will you need to make? Between which variables? Will you use a split-group design or repeated measures? Clearly identify your independent and dependent variables and relate them to how you will make comparisons between them. Note: You will compose formal hypotheses in Module 7. Step 4. Submit Ensure your essay uses APA format and contains at least three scholarly citations. Include a reference page for your sources. Be sure to include a sound introduction and conclusion. Submit your essay.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Justifying Quantitative Research Design Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name October 8, 2024 As mentioned in the previous paper a quasi-experimental research design is the best-fitted design for this proposed work. Such a design enables the researchers to control confounding factors like job satisfaction and other commitments of the employees to compare the impact of flexible work start time and rigid fast times on attendance rates. This is a suitable design since it allows the determination of causative elements without random assignment, which may not be workable in real-world workplace situations (Franssila & Kirjonen, 2022). Indeed, the design fits well with the research problem and the purpose that is intended to serve the study. The issue is that actual employee attendance should be much higher. Hence, the goal is to use flexible work start times to solve this problem (Davidescu et al., 2020). This vice is prevalent in organizations since the quasi-experimental design enables the experimenter to allocate the independent variable (start times) in a naturalistic manner and examine the effect on the organization's dependent variable (attendance) in a similarly naturalistic fashion. Furthermore, it permits comparison of groups that have not necessarily demanded complete randomization, and this may not be possible in a workplace whereby schedules are rotated according to an individual's rank or position. Ariel et al. (2022) collectively argue that quasi-experimental designs are helpful in field research because ethical or practical requisites prohibit random assignment. However, this design may create numerous confounding factors, which can be held statistically or through careful experiments. For this reason, a quasi-experimental research design is well suited to meet this study's objectives; it enables data collection that has meaningful analysis while still showing causality. These are creating treatment groups with the independent variable, flexible and fixed start times in this study, and controlling for extraneous variables to ensure the effects are attributed to the manipulated independent variable. Although the internal validity of quasi-experimental designs is lower than that of accurate experimental designs, their external validity is usually higher because the study is conducted in real-life conditions (Jaciw, 2...
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