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Ethical Frameworks and Decision-Making
Essay Instructions:
Ethical Frameworks and Decision-Making
Ethical frameworks “interact with ethical judgment and then work through ethical intention to influence behavior” (Robey, 2022, p. 65). In other words, ethical frameworks help move individuals from intention to action.
Reflect on course readings and video presentations to develop an original response to the following questions:
How can ethical frameworks and codes of conduct assist leaders with complex ethical dilemmas (e.g., the trolley problem)?
What are some advantages and limitations of using these structured ethical frameworks?
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Ethical Frameworks and Decision-Making
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Ethical Frameworks and Decision-Making
How can ethical frameworks and codes of conduct assist leaders with complex ethical dilemmas (e.g., the trolley problem)?
Complex ethical challenges like the trolley problem leave leaders in a dilemma when making organizational decisions. However, Johnson et al. (2022) clarify that in such scenarios, codes of conduct and ethical frameworks emerge as the recommendable options for determining moral choices that remain defensible and acceptable. The author notes that these tools provide a structure for formulating decisions and standards due to compliance with professionally agreed-upon ideals. For instance, Johnson et al. (2022) confirm that codes of conduct establish guidelines that one should prioritize when addressing dilemmas. In such situations, one focuses on the principles that align with the profession or organization a...
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