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Researching, Contacting, and Cultivating Potential Funders

Essay Instructions:
Assignment 3: Researching, Contacting, and Cultivating Potential Funders Due Week 6 and worth 140 points For this assignment, you will be describing methods for locating an individual to give funding, researching the individual donor, and writing a letter (two to three [2-3] pages) of request to an individual funding representative (donor). Refer to the basic proposal components discussed in Chapter 2 of the Geever textbook. This solicitation letter of request will require you to be concise, polite, informative, and more informal with a friendly tone and the right flow of information than a proposal. Use the Internet to locate sample letters of request and methods of researching individual donors. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: 1.Assess existing or typical methods for locating an individual to provide funding. 2.Create one (1) method for locating an individual to provide funding. (This method can be a hybrid of multiple methods or a completely new method.) 3.Evaluate existing or typical methods for researching an individual donor based on the textbook and information you gathered on the Internet. 4.Create one (1) method for researching an individual donor. (This method can be a hybrid of multiple methods or a completely new method.) 5.Create a letter of request that addresses the five (5) main points of a letter of request (ask for the gift, describe the need, explain what you will do, include budget data, and close.) 6.Include at least three (3) references (no more than five [5] years old) from material outside the textbook. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: -Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. -Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: -Analyze the major segments of the grants community: the Federal Awarding Agency, the Pass-Through Entity, and the recipient. -Design a proposal by learning how marketing, analysis, planning, designing, estimating, and publishing play a part in the process. -Develop a working familiarity with responsive bidding. -Use technology and information resources to research issues in grants management and proposal writing. -Write clearly and concisely about grants management and proposal writing using proper writing mechanics. Click here to view the grading rubric for this assignment
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Researching, Contacting and Cultivating Potential Funders [Name] [Professor`s Name] [Course Title] [Date] Researching, Contacting and Cultivating Potential Funders In the contemporary world these funders are located, contacted and then cultivated through different techniques. This paper aims to investigate and identify different methods of locating an individual to grant funding, researching the donor and presenting a sample letter asking for funds. Methods for locating an individual to provide funding There are various methods for locating an individual to provide funding but before getting into its details it is essential to discuss grants community and its segments. The grants community is basically responsible to give funds to different households, organizations and individuals to support health, education, safety programs etc. Its segments include CITATION AGu13 \l 1033 (A Guide to Funding Resources, 2013): The federal awarding agency: It refers to the basic federal program which aims to provide financial assistance with the help of federal government. The pass-through entity: These are often understood as half recipients because they receive funds and then transfer them to actual or deserving recipients The recipient: These are the real beneficiaries of the funds given by the grants community. Recipient might be an individual, a firm or a household. Acquiring funds through different resources and then cultivating them is a comprehensive program which is carried out through different channels. For instance, in the first place the donor is located and contacted. Then the individual funder is researched for his funding resources and other important matters. Subsequently a proposal is sent to this donor for his approval CITATION AGu13 \l 1033 (A Guide to Funding Resources, 2013). Following are the methods used to locate individuals to provide funding CITATION AGu13 \l 1033 (A Guide to Funding Resources, 2013): * Search online the federal funding databases, for instance, the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance. * Check newspapers or subscribe newsletters to get updates about funding individuals. * Investigate private funding databases such as The Foundations Center, Community Foundations by State, etc. In addition to these, individuals providing funds can be identified through social gatherings and social contacts. For instance, attending different club activities, functions or exhibitions and developing good social circle might also help in locating potential funding individuals. Evaluating methods for researching an individual donor Once the individual donor is identified he is then evaluated on the basis of the mission statement of recipients. If similarities are found between the mission statement and the donation purposes of donor then individual funder is evaluated or researched using the following methods CITATION Kno13 \l 1033 (Knowledge Base, 2013): * Search the local libraries to learn about potential funders. * Build indirect networking with these funders` associates. This will help in getting substantial information about individual funders in addition to getting their appointments or other contact details. * Research through the prospect`s website or different social networking platforms. This will facilitate in knowing about his potential interest in funding your project. Moreover, analysis of the monetary resour...
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