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Creative Genius

Essay Instructions:
Assignment 5: Now Is YOUR Time to Be the Creative Genius! Due Week 10 and worth 180 points Imagine that you are still on the committee from Assignment 1. Recently, you saw an article in the newspaper that included a survey, which said that 30 percent of the 1,000 participants in the survey said they would be interested in making online donations to charity. According to this survey, 53 percent of young people between the ages of eighteen (18) and twenty-four (24) also showed interest in contributing online. Another group over fifty (50) represented eighteen (18) percent of people willing to contribute to a worthwhile charity. You were told in the committee meeting this morning that the nonprofit world is one of the most important forces of the economy, making the world a more decent and humane place. Your organization is always coming up with creative, innovative programs that feed the hungry, house the homeless, and protect the environment, among others. This morning you were tasked with creating a marketing campaign for one of the items needed for the Goodness Falls proposal. Select one (1) of the following items to focus your marketing campaign on: the streetlights, the bulletproof vests, the motorcycles / horses, computers for the police, or computer training for the police. The marketing campaign that you create will be added to your organization's Website in order to encourage online donations. Use the Internet to locate information regarding PayPal Website or the other one, its competition is 1, search appeal message, appeal slogans, games for grant funding, typical prizes for donations, state regulations for gaming in your individual state. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: 1.Create an online appeal message in which you are trying to solicit money for the item that you selected. 2.Create an appeal slogan for the item that you selected. 3.Propose at least two (2) graphics and / or photographs that will be used for the appeal campaign. 4.Propose a method or game that will engage donors while they are donating. Provide suggestions for prizes for the donors. 5.Propose what you will do with the donation, the need for the donation, and the benefit to donating online. Provide a rationale for each decision and each part of the campaign you design. 6.Develop a rationale for having the game for donations open to just citizens from your state, as well as the need for a Pay-Pal type of account to process donations made by credit card. 7.Include at least three (3) references (no more than two to three [2-3] years old) from material outside the textbook. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: -Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. -Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: -Analyze the major segments of the grants community: the Federal Awarding Agency, the Pass-Through Entity, and the recipient. -Design a proposal by learning how marketing, analysis, planning, designing, estimating, and publishing play a part in the process. -Develop a working familiarity with responsive bidding. -Develop a proposal using graphical representation best practices. -Use technology and information resources to research issues in grants management and proposal writing. -Write clearly and concisely about grants management and proposal writing using proper writing mechanics. Click here to view the grading rubric for this assignment
Essay Sample Content Preview:
CREATIVE GENIUS Name: Grade Course: Tutor`s Name: Date Appeal Message Goodness Falls is a non-profit Organization in Goodness Falls Township always coming up with creative, innovative programs that feed the hungry, house the homeless, and protect the environment, among other charitable activities. The organization was formed in 1989 by the township residents with the aim of improving security along with livelihood of residence. The organization is managed by skilled, experienced, and proactive individuals who are dedicated to serving the community through charitable services. Currently, we are soliciting funds from all well-wishers and goodwill individuals to enable us undertake the project of buying 10 desktops and 40 laptops for the police in the township. The need for computers in our police service has been necessitated by the fact that criminal gangs are no longer engaging in petty criminal activities, but they have graduated to complex and hi-tech criminal activities, hence increasing the number of criminal activities in our town. This has been evidenced by the sophisticated weapons, along with sophisticated vehicles, among other hi-tech tracking devices that are being used by criminal gangs in our town. As an effect, there technology level can`t be compared to the level of common technology being employed by our police force. This has ended up exposing our police force to risky endeavours, making them loos their lives. The only way we can improve our police service is to provide them with up-to-date technology that will enable them deliver their services efficiently and effectively. This is based on the fact that the sophistication level at which criminal activities are being undertaken needs a well equipped police force in tackling them. As an effect, your donation will improve coordination and quick updates to our security team. Appeal Slogan Our appeal slogan for donation campaign will be ‘Come together we restore the lost glory of our police force by helping them combat hi-tech criminal activities effectively and efficiently. Photographs To Be Used In Campaign Plate 1: police officer tracking criminals using a laptop Source: /page.asp?id=91 Plate 2: police officer entering information into computer data base Source: /info_8452455_use-computers-police-departments.html Plate 3: forensic investigation results on a computer screen Source: /dps/msp/criminal_investigation/ Donation Method The donation method will involve gaming either on social networks or on our website using various business brands. Playing online games is fan way of killing time and donating for charitable services amongst young individuals aged between 18 and 24 years, and baby-boomer aged above 50 years and above in the United States. Every game will cost a minimum of $50 cents per minute of play game, though players have a freedom of paying more at the end of the game depending on they have found the game, or depending on their wish to help the organization achieve its mission. In this case, the Givegame designed for Goodness Falls non-profit organization creates custom online brand games, which at the end donate to our organization every time you click to play. Various profit making organizations including business companies like Coca cola, Pepsi, Dell and Apple will provide their brands, upon which brand game will be developed to provide donations towards our mission. As an effect, such organizations will provide their donations by paying certain amounts which is not less than $3 per minute of the game played involving their brands, but they are allowed to pay more than the minimum price depending on their wish and ability of helping the society. However, after reaching level 5 of Givegame, players will be allowed to play for free for the rest of remaining time. However, brands whose gaming has reached level 5 will pay $4 per minute. Though the Goodness Falls non-profit organization will get donations, profit making organizations having their brands in our game will also benefit as it will enhance their positive marketing, apart from providing an opportunity for their customers to interact with their brands as their custo...
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