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Responding to the Result

Essay Instructions:
Assignment 4: Responding to the Result Due Week 8 and worth 180 points This assignment consists of three (3) sections: a thank-you letter from the agency; a thank-you letter for consideration of the proposal they declined; and a follow-up thank-you letter. You must submit all three (3) sections for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the section of the assignment it is written for. Additionally, you may create and / or assume all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. For this assignment, you will write a thank-you letter from the agency, a thank-you letter for consideration of the proposal, and a follow-up thank-you letter. Refer to Chapter 16 of the Geever textbook if you need guidance. Use the Internet to locate a thank-you note template and tips specific to grant writing. Each letter must: -be a minimum of 150-200 words in the body of the letter. -describe what the gift will be used to provide (goal). -identify the accepting agency or department. -include your individual thanks. Section 1: Thank-You Letter from the Agency for Considering Your Proposal 1.Create a letter in which you: 1.share thanks from the agency. 2.share thanks on behalf of the city / or police. 3.answer any anticipated questions posed by agency. 4.provide anticipated additional pertinent information requested. 5.provide other donor information regarding other funding prospects. Section 2: Thank You Letter for Consideration of the Proposal that was Rejected 2.Create a letter in which you: 1.thank the organization for consideration of the proposal, even though they decided not to fund the project. 2.provide information about your organization, its passion, and its goals. 3.invite them to visit your organization for a tour and lunch. 4.end on a positive note. Section 3: Follow-Up Thank-You Letter 3.Create a letter in which you maintain dialogue to: 1.inform the donor of the practical use of the item that was donated. 2.share updates with the donor. (i.e.: good news, pictures [police officer on motorcycle / horse or streetlights at night], reports, newspaper articles, etc.) 3.inform the donor of any obstacles. 4.inform the donor of how the aforementioned obstacles were overcome. 5.list any follow-up news articles or other announcements, newsletters, pictures where the donor may have been mentioned (in a program, sponsor page, etc.). 4.Include at least three (3) references (no more than five [5] years old) from material outside the textbook. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: -Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. -Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: -Analyze the major segments of the grants community: the Federal Awarding Agency, the Pass-Through Entity, and the recipient. -Design a proposal by learning how marketing, analysis, planning, designing, estimating, and publishing play a part in the process. -Develop a working familiarity with responsive bidding. -Use technology and information resources to research issues in grants management and proposal writing. -Write clearly and concisely about grants management and proposal writing using proper writing mechanics. Click here to view the grading rubric for this assignment
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Responding to the Result Student`s Name: Professor`s Name: Course Title: Date: Responding to the Result Introduction It hurts when one takes time on an important proposal only to have it rejected. Rejection is distressful, but writers must remember that if a proposal is rejected, they are not. Saying thank you is of utmost essence. It ought to be done even if a denial letter is sent. It sounds simple, but the way to say "thanks" to somebody who just said "no" requires a special skill. This paper comprises three sections. Each section carries one letter. The letters are a thank-you letter from the agency for considering a proposal, a thank you letter for consideration of the proposal that was rejected and a follow-up thank-you letter (Geever, 2012). Section 1: Thank-You Letter from the Agency for Considering Proposal May 30, 2013 Jim Vee Commitaz Children`s Home 17 Park StreetDurban, SA, 231 Dear Mr. Wayne, On behalf of Commitaz Children`s Home and the Durban community, I would like to sincerely thank you and ADM Foundation for your donation of $75,000. Your pecuniary support will assist us continue in our mission and to help people in our community. The benevolent support of agencies like yours enables our organization to exist and to make a difference to the deserving poor in our community. On your inquiry about expansion space, our organization has identified a piece of land two kilometers from our premises. However, the cost of acquiring the property is extremely high for us now. If we could get some more funds, we are planning to expand the home to put up more kids. An extra $70,000 will help us a lot in the near future. This will be for purchasing land, after which an extra $100,000 will be required to build on the newly acquired land. We are, therefore, hoping for your co-operation and contribution in future. Thank you once more for your support! Sincerely, Signature Jim Vee. Section 2: Thank You Letter for Consideration of the Proposal that was Rejected May 30, 2013 Jim Vee Commitaz Children`s Home 17 Park StreetDurban, SA, 231 Dear Mr. Kelvin, On behalf of Commitaz Children`s Home, I want to sincerely thank you and the ADM Foundation for taking the time to reexamine our recent grant proposal for the expansion program of the home. We are gr...
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