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Quiz 2

Essay Instructions:
Please see the attached picture of the bell curve chart please find attached the textbook and other attachments Quiz 2 is based on Chapters 4 and 5 of Salvia et al. (2017). Also review the instructional videos and PPts pertaining normal distribution and standard deviation from Session 2. Use in-text citations as appropriate to support your answers. PDF document Quiz 2 100 points Quiz 2 is based on Chapters 4 and 5 of Salvia et al. (2017). Also review the instructional videos and PPts pertaining normal distribution and standard deviation from Session 2. Use in-text citations as appropriate to support your answers. Text X  Standard deviation is 15.  Mean = 100 1. Label the mean on the bell curve above. Label the X-axis on the bell curve above to indicate 1, 2, and 3 standard deviations from the mean (20 points). 2. Label the curve above to show where each of the following standard scores would fall (10 points): • Student A: 97 • Student B: 55 • Student C: 75 • Student D: 80 3. The standard scores below represent a subset of student scores for Test X. Explain where each of the standard scores fall in relation to the mean (e.g., within 1SD of the mean; 2SD below the mean) (10 points) • Student A: 95 • Student B: 55 • Student C: 75 • Student D: 80 4. According to the empirical rule, what percentage of scores (referring to scores for all test takers) for Text X would fall within (a) 1SD of the mean? (b) within 2SD of the mean? (10 points) 5. The confidence level for the above scores is 95%, yielding a confidence interval of 87 – 103 for Student A, who earned a standard score of 95. Given the above information, explain Student A’s score to that student’s parents. In your explanation, be sure to discuss why Student A’s score of 95 is presented within a range (87 – 103) rather than as just a single score. To answer this question, revisit the discussion on confidence interval within the textbook and be sure to incorporate the appropriate academic language (from the course text) in your explanation (20 points). 6. A 10-year-old student earned an age equivalent of 11.5 and a grade equivalent of 6 on Text X. Using the appropriate academic language from the course text, respond to the following questions (a) How would you explain these developmental scores to the child’s parent? (b) What cautions would you provide to the parent about interpreting these scores? (20 points) 7. What is a raw score? What information does it provide? Why do we convert raw scores? What kinds of scores do they convert to? (10 points)
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Quiz 2 Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Course Code and Name Instructor’s Name Date Quiz 2 Q 1. SD 1SD 2SD 368%99.7%95%1451301157085X=Mean 10055 Q 2. 55145115130X=Mean 10085SD 3: 99.7%SD 2: 95%SD 1: 68%70 A97D80B55C75 Q 3. • Student A: 95 The standard score for student A will fall within 1 SD below the mean. • Student B: 55 The standard score would fall within 3SD below the mean • Student C: 75 The standard score would fall within 2SD below the mean • Student D: 80 The standard SD would fall within 2 SD below the mean Q 4. A.1SD:68 percent (34 percent on both sides) It is argued that in cases of normal distribution, then approximately 68 percent of the collected data will have to fall within one standard deviation when the mean is used (Brockman et al., 2021). That means 34 percent of the data will be on the left side of the mean, while another 34 will be on the right. B. 2SD: 95% (13.5% on both sides) In the case of two standard deviations, it is understood that approximately 95 percent of the data has to fall within the range. That means 13.5 percent will be on the left side of the mean, while another 13.5 percent will be on the right. These included percentages are based on using empirical rules. The empirical rule is known as 68-95-99.7. In other words, it is referred to as the three-sigma rule, which dictates that 68 percent of the data must fall within one standard deviation in normal distributions. Ninety-five percent of the data will fall within two standard deviations and 99.7 percent within three standard deviations. These rules are used in understanding data distributions and making valid generalizations in normal distributions. Q 5. In the example above, the confidence interval range is estimated ...
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