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Lesson Plan Accommodation Summary
Essay Instructions:
Most early childhood education learning environments are designed to meet the needs of many children with or without special needs. In many cases, children with special needs will benefit from simple accommodations and modifications, and as the teacher, it is your responsibility to know which accommodations to provide.
Use the lesson plan you analyzed for the Wk 1 - Summative Assessment: Lesson Analysis and adapt the lesson plan to indicate how you would make specific accommodations for students with exceptionalities in an inclusive early childhood setting.
Write a 350- to 525-word summary in which you:
Describe the learning environment and inclusive strategies you will use when teaching the lesson.
Explain the specific accommodations you would make for students with the following exceptionalities:
Speech and language delay
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Intellectual and developmental disability (IDD)
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Lesson Plan Accommodation Summary
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Lesson Plan Accommodation Summary
Learning Environment and Inclusive Strategies
An inclusive learning environment is essential for students to feel their standpoints and contributions are respected and valued. To establish an inclusive learning setting for the lesson plan "Our Community Helpers," the emphasis will be on facilitating engagement and participation amongst kids comprising those with exceptionalities. Discussion in groups, storytelling, and gaming activities will happen in the lesson. This lesson would be essential for promoting social and cognitive development for the kids as it will allow them to participate at their own pace.
Implementing a structured classroom setting will be pivotal to fostering student engagement and limiting dynamics, which could cause disruptive tendencies. As a result, the classroom's structure will promote accessibility through clear visual aids such as posters and flyers screening community helpers. Another critical consideration would be emphasizing collaborative learning strategies that encourage student interactions. Cooperative learning is essential as it promotes a safe and positive student-centered environment, such as developing professional skills and self-efficacy among the learners (Rumiantsev et al., 2023). Open-ended questions let kids air their perspectives without pressure, facilitating a supportive and conducive learning environment. Also, stations will be arranged to allow students to move around quickly with visual and tangible materials that are accessible to facilitate diverse learning styles. On the other hand, inclusive approaches will entail employing adaptive technologies such as picture ex...
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