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Ethical Conflict Case Study

Essay Instructions:
Leadership is not just about achieving goals; it is also about doing so ethically and responsibly. Future leaders must understand the challenges and responsibilities of ethical leadership and the importance of making decisions that align with their organization's values. In this assignment, you will compose a 1 page case study based on your prior coursework on your selected organizational scenario. Step 1 Review the course readings and video presentations and conduct additional research using the ACE LibraryLinks to an external site.. Look for news articles, academic journals, and case studies involving organizational ethical issues and conflicts. Tip: The optional reading by Badaracco provides an example case study as a good starting point for further research. Step 2 Identify a conflict in your research for further examination. This conflict will guide you in authoring your own case study within your selected organization. Explore the background of the documented conflict. Use the following questions to guide your thinking: What are the ethical challenges? Who is involved? What decisions were made? What resolution strategies were implemented? How did the challenge align or not align with organizational values and ethical codes of conduct? Step 3 Create a fictional case study for your selected organization based on your research. Your case study may parallel your researched conflict. Be sure to provide unique details specific to your selected organization. Include the following: Detailed descriptions of the setting, organization, and parties involved A clear depiction of the ethical conflict and the key decisions and actions that raised ethical questions The application of ethical principles from the organization’s code of conduct to address the conflict The conflict resolution process, demonstrating how ethical considerations guided the decision-making Your case study must make clear how the ethical principles outlined by the organization aligns with how the conflict was resolved. This may involve character dialogues, decision points, and ethical reflections throughout. Use APA-formatted in-text citations to support your thinking. Cite your sources in an APA-formatted reference page. Step 4 Submit your case study as a Word document with an APA-formatted title and reference page.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
American Express Student’s Name Professor’s Name Institutional Affiliations Course Name and Number Due Date American Express The American Express operational department recently uncovered an ethical challenge involving the supervisor and one of the subordinate technicians. This conflict occurred within the company’s Headquarters on 15th October 2024 and drew the attention of the departmental heads when the affected parties escalated the issue. Upon critical evaluation, the management categorized the problem as psychological workplace harassment through unrealistic deadlines. A junior employee reported to the operations manager that he was experiencing a mental breakdown following the unrelenting pressure from his immediate supervisor to complete a program design within ten days. Although the junior expert tried to clarify that such an initiative requires a minimum of three weeks to complete, the supervisor insisted and continued to micromanage while demanding daily updates on...
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