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Mapping Leadership Strengths and Reflective Practice

Essay Instructions:
Mapping Leadership Strengths and Reflective Practice Instructor's Note: In your one-page Infographic, be certain that you map your two leadership strengths to EACH of the five elements of reflective practice, and ascertain that your full name appears at or near the top of your document. Leaders often overlook self-reflection when trying to improve, usually from a lack of time due to personal and professional obligations. Consider dedicating time to self-reflection for a meaningful and successful doctoral journey. Take a deep dive into the intricacies of who you are as an individual, how you work with others, and the importance of adapting to each situation with new ideas. Infographics are powerful tools for communicating complex information to stakeholders. They can also help us visually organize complex elements to enhance our critical thinking. In this assignment, you will reflect on course learning and create an infographic mapping two of your leadership strengths with each of the five elements of reflective leadership practice (mindfulness, self-awareness, creativity, being true to ourselves, and examining attitudes) in order to evaluate your learning and areas for growth. Step 1 Review the course readings, presentations, and discussions, especially your reflective assignments from Modules 1, 3, and 4. Use other scholarly or professional sources to research leadership strengths. Use the following questions to guide your thinking: What are common strengths, skills, and/or values of effective leaders? What personal leadership strengths, skills, and/or values have you identified through reflective practice during this course? How do these strengths align with or contribute to the five elements of reflective practice (mindfulness, self-awareness, creativity, being true to ourselves, and examining attitudes)? On your infographic map, you will synthesize your information by identifying two of your leadership strengths and relating each of them to each of the five elements of reflective practice from your Module 4 Assignment. Step 2 Brainstorm how you will visually organize your synthesized research. Your infographic must convey: Your two leadership strengths mapped to EACH of the five elements. Brief explanations or examples illustrating how each strength contributes to or aligns with the corresponding reflective practice element A visual representation of the interconnectedness between leadership strengths and reflective practice Step 3 Select a digital tool to design your infographic. You may use a tool of your choice or one listed in the Infographics and Brochures dropdown menu in the Digital Tools Center. Ascertain that your tool allows you to save your infographic as a PDF. Links will not be accepted for this assignment. Design your infographic. Include APA-formatted in-text citations in the design and a reference list at the bottom. No title page is necessary; plan the formatting of your infographic. Provide your full name at or near the top of your document. Consider having a non-expert view your infographic. Does the information make sense to them? Do they understand the purpose of the infographic? Is there a balance and flow of visuals and text that is informative without being overwhelming? Great! Step 4 Submit your infographic as a PDF.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Two of the most vital attributes of a leader in contemporary operational settings are communication and adaptability. For communication, a leader needs to engage with people with whom he/she works. Communication helps a leader to understand what others need besides being able to communicate his/her needs to others (Ungvarsky, 2023). In the context of communication, a leader must also fit the elements of mindfulness, self-awareness, creativity, being true to oneself, and examining attitudes. Mindfulness is a faction of communication because a leader should be present to his/her followers, listen to their needs, and actively respond to those needs. Also, a leader with proper communication skills must showcase self-awareness, which helps him/her to recognize his/her communication style and how it affects others (Coughlin & Ba...
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