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Culturally Responsive Teaching Presentation and Plan

Essay Instructions:
Write a 350-word outline that summarizes a plan for a school-wide implementation of culturally responsive instruction and learning environments. Include the following elements in your plan outline: Vision statement Timeline for implementation Overview of topics to be covered in teacher training(s) Suggested resources for teachers
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Culturally Responsive Teaching Presentation Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Course Name & Code Instructor’s Name Date Culturally Responsive Teaching Presentation 1 Introduction 1 The question the Paper is trying to answer. 2 Background Information about the Culturally Responsive Instruction. 3 Summarize the Plan the Paper is going to Explore. 4 Provide the Thesis Statement for the Paper. 2 Vision Statement: 5 State the Vision Statement: Creating an Equitable and Inclusive School Environment with Culturally Responsive Teaching to Boost Academic Respect, a Sense of Belonging, and Success among the Students. 6 Inspiration of the Vision Statement. 7 The Impact the Vision Statement is Aiming to Achieve. 8 Does Vision Statement Matches the Organization’s Values? 3 TimeLine for the Implementation 9 First Phase: (1-3) Months 1 Formulate an Inclusion and Diversity Committee represented by all stakeholders, including Parents, teachers, students, and administration. 2 Perform the Needs Assessment for the plan and evaluate the current cultural responsiveness. 3 Formulate a strategic plan that will cater for curriculum updates and professional development. 10 Second P...
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