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Developing a Plan for Sampling and Data Collection

Essay Instructions:
Developing a Plan for Sampling and Data Collection Although a sample dataset has been provided, it is important to understand how participants would be sampled and data would be collected in an actual study. In this assignment, you will describe a hypothetical population for your chosen scenario as well as hypothetical sampling techniques assuming you would collect the data that have been provided. The paper should be 3 pages and conform to APA format. Step 1. Identify Identify the target population. From where, or whom, will the data be collected? A database? A machine? People? Based on your chosen scenario, hypothetically describe your target population in detail. Step 2. Defend Defend the extent to which the sampling technique should be probability sampling or non-probability sampling and choose a relevant approach such as stratified or cluster sampling for probability sampling or snowball sampling or “sample of the whole” for non-probability sampling. Is the sample size sufficient to use parametric procedures? How can you know? Step 3. Develop In three brief paragraphs, explain three steps you can take to execute your sampling procedure for data collection. Consider participant consent or permission to use archival data. Step 4. Submit Ensure your essay uses APA format and contains at least three scholarly citations. Include a reference page for your sources. Be sure to include a sound introduction and conclusion. Submit your essay.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Plan for Sampling and Data Collection Student’s Name Institution Course Code: Course Name Professor’s Name Submission Date Introduction Workplace issues involving nurses should be assessed and addressed to ensure optimum working conditions and improved health outcomes. Researchers on healthcare issues must employ the best techniques to meet research objectives and positively impact care delivery. Sampling and data collection are key steps in any research project, and all prior preparations are targeted towards it. The context of this research is a community urban hospital whose nurses have reported poor working place conditions that affect their performance. This paper identifies the target population, defends the chosen sampling technique, and explains the necessary steps in executing the sampling procedure for data collection. Step 1. Identify The target population will include licensed and registered practical nurses in a suburban community hospital. These practitioners are essential in healthcare provision and in improving the health outcomes of patients. The participants will be a varied population based on their years of experience and the units they work in, and their shifts will also be considered. Data from these nurses will be retrieved to ascertain how environmental affordances, like the hospital's physical environment, noise, lighting, and equipment placement, relate to their performance in executing their jobs efficiently. In this light, the study will seek to understand how these variables impact their job satisfaction and execution of work, insights that are derived from Boudreau and Rhéaume’s (2024) study. Data will be collected on objective measures such as work efficiency and subjective perceptions. The selected population directly targeted by the physical and organizational design of the hospital is thus one of the targets of this study. Step 2. Defend The probability sampling technique will be most appropriate for this study. Probability sampling will guarantee equal chances of selection for every nurse in the suburban community hospital. Among the various probability sampling methods, stratified sampling is the most relevant in this study. Since there is much variation in the work setting of the nurses, stratified sampling would allow the researcher to ensure proper representation of the critical subgroups among the nursing population. Stratified sampling will also enhance the precision of the research outcome by reducing sampling error, as the samples obtained will be proportionally representative of every subgroup for more valid comparisons (Huo et al., 202...
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