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Future Trends In Terrorism Education Essay Research

Essay Instructions:

Course Textbook(s)

Martin, G. (2016). Understanding homeland security (2nd ed.) [VitalSource Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from


Unit VIII Essay


Chapter 13 of the textbook states that the future trends of terrorism in the 21st century will focus on the United States as one of the primary targets for both domestic and international terrorist groups. The terrorists are constantly developing new weapons and operating from a stateless environment that consists of cells and sleeper agents located throughout the world.

Conduct research using the CSU Online Library or other literary resource(s) on a domestic or international terrorist group. After doing so, complete Parts I and II below.

Part I: Terrorist Profile

Critique a profile of a terrorist group that identifies their ideology, location, weapons, past targets, and rationale. Be brief but specific.

Part II: Theoretical Model

As a member of the homeland security enterprise at either the local, state, or federal level, use the information from the terrorist profile in Part I to develop a theoretical model that will be used to upgrade the current homeland security policy and procedures for your city to prevent a terrorist attack. Identify and describe the following counterterrorism measures for your model.

Identify the physical threat.

Identify the organizational resources.

Describe the operational capabilities of the organizational resources.

Describe the tiered collaboration of the organizational resources.

Will this theoretical model further assist in developing threat scenarios to prepare and mitigate a terrorist attack?

The essay should be two to three pages in length, and make certain to include a title page and reference page. The title and reference pages do not count toward meeting the minimum page requirement. Format the paper in APA style, and write the essay in a formal writing style rather than a conversational writing style. Include three scholarly references, one of which can be the textbook. At least one source should be from the CSU Online Library since it is a valuable resource for homeland security information.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

International Terrorism
International Terrorism
The US Department of State describes Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) as groups designated under section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) (Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism, 2014). These classifications play a notable role in the fight against terrorism, helping to support anti-terrorism activities and pressuring groups to get out of the terror business. One FTO defined group is the Islamic State (IS). The terrorist organization identified as ‘Islamic State’ (IS) came into the limelight in 2014 through a series of conquests obtained in the Northern and Central Iraqi regions. The Islamic State relies on jihadi-literature of ideologies, as an epilogue from Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda movement. Initially, when Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was the leader of IS, they encouraged political ideologies that actively anathematized fellow Muslims. From online videos and their encyclicals, the state repudiates peace as a rationale. The organization considers itself the sword of doom, a key player, and a harbinger of the apocalypse. The IS is identified by the territories they subdue, its bureaucracy distributed into civil and military arms, and its territories into provinces (Wood, 2015). The Islamic State is advanced as it even employs the application of a military arsenal. The terrorist group was also suspected to have obtained nuclear weapons after the fall of Mosul city. The IS has the bias of radicalizing populations, having had successful missions in Iraq and Syria.
Theoretical Model
Since the September 11 attack, the Department of Defense employed several approaches in dealing with terrorist events. It is indisputable that there is no single system for promoting homeland security that can apply across the different terrorist situations. The most effective model to use in contemplating future terrorist trends is the creative policy design and implementation tool. Since terrorism is a multifaceted menace that is dynamic in nature, the adoption of practical policies is requisite in dealing with unanticipated threats (Martin, 2016).
The biggest physical threat posed by ISIS is suicide terrorism. An example is the Orlando nightclub shooting by Omar Mateen; who swore fidelity to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi of the Islamic State, before claiming the lives of 49 US civilians (Stonehem, 2016). Suicide terrorists are initiated through radicalization and extremist ideologies. In 2004, the Department of Homeland Security started to execute a national domestic all-hazards readiness mission whose purpose was to enhance the country’s preparedness against terrorist attacks. This department’s strategy was capabilities-based planning (CBP) as adopted by the Department of Defense (DoD) (Caudle, 2005). The indispensable resource at the DHS’s disposal is government funding. The CPB also gives DHS access to intelligence, strategic studies, and experience to help th...
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