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Evalutating an education app Education Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Please use the reading The App Map to review the following website. Example will be provided. Focused on the Comprehension please. First example is attached and the second example is https://docs(dot)google(dot)com/document/d/1nkNiaP1YSmq2TYdR5k2lqQEXeFDv7sMb601Kqdp_zzw/edit

ReadWriteThink Student Interactives: Webbing Tool for Organizing and Summarizing

 This is a website application. Go to:


Try out the Webbing Tool for Organizing and Summarizing

You will need to download flash player.


PlaySpace Assignment Description

LR 501 Fall 2020

We will be using our class Google Drive as our PlaySpace for this class. You will work with your group to review the assigned website/game/app (see below for a list of technologies to be reviewed for each topic). You will then write a post reviewing of these websites/games/apps (criteria for how you should be reviewing and critiquing the technologies is outlined below). Your post should be about 2 pages long (or longer), and should be organized in a way that is easy for your peers to navigate (e.g., organized by the overall app/website and then reviewing particular games in that app/website under the heading of that app/website).

An important note. Please note that I have provided you with technology tools to review. However, there are likely many other technologies you are encountering in your classrooms and elsewhere. Thus, if there are other tools you would like to review instead, you can! In order to review a different tool, you must provide me with the name of the tool(s) at least 1 week in advance of your post and obtain my approval before proceeding with your post.

Another important note.  As you learn about these technologies, be thinking about ones you might like to incorporate into your lessons.

How to Review the Technology

You will review the technology using the following criteria for each game/app:

1) Is the technology a substitution, augmentation, modification, or redefinition (SAMR) of existing tasks (see Israelson, 2015 for more detail)? Why do you think so? Support your claim with evidence from Israelson.

2) Rate the technology on the App Evaluation Rubric in the Israelson (2015) article (see Figure 4 in the article—the rubric evaluates multimodal features, literacy content, intuitiveness of the app, and user interactivity). Why did you give it this rating? Support your rating with evidence from Israelson.

3) Describe how the technology does/does not support children’s learning of the target skill/concept, based on your knowledge (from course readings, class discussion, and elsewhere) of best practices in teaching that skill/concept (e.g., does a game that focuses on phonemic awareness require that children be able to read words to successfully participate? If so, then that game is really more focused on decoding that phonemic awareness). Use course readings to support your ideas.

Please provide screenshots of the tools wherever you think that would be useful, but with at least one screenshot per tool.




Posting Groups

Each group will review and post about one focal topic (e.g., word recognition, fluency). Reviews will be due on the Friday (at noon) after the course session that focuses on the literacy content on which the technologies will focus. Below you will find your groups, topics, and due dates.

Posting Responses

In addition to posting about your topic, you will also choose ONE other topic for which you will explore the technology, read the reviews, and post comments by class time the following week (posts should be up by noon on specific Fridays). See below for due dates. Responses due by the following class.


Group Number

Group Topic

Posts due by NOON on this date


Early Literacy and Developing a Community of Learners

Friday, 10/2


Word Recognition and Word Study

Friday, 10/9



Friday, 10/23



Friday, 11/6


Comprehension Strategies

Friday, 11/20



Friday, 12/5












Technologies to be Reviewed

GROUP 1) Developing Community, Class 3


à This is a website and also an app that can be downloaded from the app store. You can join for free as a teacher (select Boston University Academy).  https://web.seesaw.me/


Book Creator

à This is a website. You can join for free.  https://bookcreator.com/

Alternatively, you can look at the Story Creator app.


GROUP 2) Word Recognition and Word Study, Class 5

PBS Kids Games App

àThis can be downloaded onto any Apple or Android device free of charge through the Apple App Store. If you need an ipad, please let me know—you can borrow one.

àChoose 2 activities/games that foster letter knowledge, phonemic awareness, the alphabetic principle, or early phonics


àThis is a website that can be accessed free from any device (http://www.starfall.com)

àChoose 2 activities/games that foster letter knowledge, phonemic awareness, the alphabetic principle, or early phonics

GROUP 3) Fluency, Class 5

Reading Speed/Fluency Builder – Grades 2-5

àThis can be downloaded onto any Apple or Android device free of charge through the Apple App Store. You can access the first few levels for free. If you need an ipad, please let me know—you can borrow mine.

Reading For All Learners—I See Sam Phonics Books

à This can be downloaded onto any Apple or Android device free of charge through the Apple App Store. You can access the first few levels for free. If you need an ipad, please let me know—you can borrow mine.



GROUP 4) Comprehension, Class 6


à Sign up as a student (it is free). This is a free website. Sign up as a student.

à Select a text set by clicking on “Text Sets” in the upper right corner (I selected ones for grades 2-5). Then, create a class and an assignment. Alternatively, you can play around with my assignment by logging into my class using this link: https://newsela.com/quickjoin/#/VQ2G68


ReadWriteThink Student Interactives: Story Map

àThis is a website application. Go to:


à Try out the Story Map

GROUP 5) Comprehension Strategies, Class 7

ReadWriteThink Student Interactives: Webbing Tool for Organizing and Summarizing

à This is a website application. Go to:



àTry out the Webbing Tool for Organizing and Summarizing

You will need to download flash player.

Inference Ace

            àDownload the App from the App Store.

            àExplore Level 1, which is the only free level.

GROUP 6) Vocabulary, Class 8

Visual Dictionary

àFrom any device, access the following website: http://www.visualdictionaryonline.com/about-visual_overview.php

            àChoose and explore one theme from the menu on the left hand side of the screen


            àDownload the Flocabulary app; it’s free

            àClick on “Aiko the Seal (Grade K)” under “Vocabulary” and explore all of the features


PlaySpace Grading Rubric




SAMR Claim and justification, using course readings for support.


Rating and justification, using course readings for support.


Explanation of how the technology does/does not

support children’s learning of the target skill, using course readings for support.


At least one screenshot of each tool is provided.


Comments on at least one other posting topic are thoughtful and demonstrate that you have tried out the tool.



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Read Write Think Webbing Tool Review
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code: Course Name
Professor’s Name
Date of Submission
ReadWriteThink Webbing Tool Review
ReadWriteThink Webbing Tool is a web-based application that allows the organization and summarizing for the student by creating concept maps. Through the tool, the student is able to undertake hypertextual thinking and writing. There are numerous features that allow users to be more productive, remain energized, and have directed and sustained actions to fulfill their objectives or lesson responsibilities. The webbing tool will enable students to analyze readings. They also develop a flowchart and prewrite as they read through the text. There are several graphics that can be easily dragged to mark the ideas and create relationships. Another advantage of the tool is creating unique colors for the different layers as the student identifies specific points and adds them to the chosen framework (ReadWriteThink Webbing Tool, n.d.).
Some different features and tools assist in creating content that is usable and effective for the set purpose. It is the most useful planning tool that can assist in the comprehension and writing process. There is a specific lesson plan for each level and can be used based on the category you select. The lesson plans are sorted into particular grades such as K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 grade levels. You can easily see the lesson plan by clicking on the columns at the bottom of the interactive. Another important consideration is that the tool operates only after installing flash player. When students are using the Webbing Tool, they can easily follow through with the lesson plan and make sure that the process is comprehensive and essential points are captured during summar...
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