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How To Better Support Esl Students, Growth In The Classroom, How To Be A Consistent Teacher In The Classroom

Essay Instructions:

Talk about three tenets, which are: How to better support ESL students, Growth in the classroom, and how to be a consistent teacher in the classroom. Write a statement that identifies and supports through examples, textual evidence, reasons, and personal experience your educational philosophy

Must use Ways of Learning fourth edition by Alan Pritchard and American Education 19th edition by Joel Spring

Must have a References Page with 10 sources (minimum needed), may use any Class reading, video, book, and may also include personal research (1-2 sources from outside the class), and make sure all of the sources are cited in the paper. Use page numbering, subheadings, and must be double spaced.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Statement of educational philosophy
Just like the way they differ in personalities, each student is different in their own abilities too. Some might be quite used to certain skills and subjects, while others might show similar strengths but on other subjects. My educational philosophy is that all students are exceptional and must learn in stimulating environments that promote their physical, social, and emotional growth. Therefore, I aspire to establish this type of setting where learners can fulfill their potential. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the percentage of public school students who are ESL has been increasing gradually in more than ten states since 2017. Although these students are not different from native-English-speaking learners, they have certain educational needs. Establishing a welcoming classroom environment and intimately knowing them is important in supporting their learning process. Similarly, collaborative practices that promote classroom growth and reinforce growth mindsets are essential in strengthening the learning process. In this regard, regular routines and being proactive help teachers to become consistent by establishing structures of teaching.
How to Support ESL Students
ESL students are generally some of the most hardworking lots within a classroom setup. They tend to often have the unenviable task of having to learn twice; the first is to learn the new language, and the second is to learn the new concepts being taught. As a result, they always have to do almost twice as much work as the rest of the students. How they are handled is important because it can be the deal-breaker. Poor handling can easily lead to a student disliking everything about class or education in general. Giving them much-needed support is quite crucial in making them love and embrace education.
* Establish a welcoming classroom
When dealing with ESL students, it is imperative to create a sense of community and offer predictable expectations, procedures, and routines. Since ESL students may not comprehend verbal cues, Gilakjani and Sabouri (2016) indicate that predictable structures reduce anxiety, foster feelings of comfort, and facilitate classroom orientation. In this case, keeping the daily schedule as constant as possible and using predictable procedures to pass around learning materials is important. Likewise, specific routines related to lunch count, morning greetings, and turning in homework enhance the process of classroom orientation. Importantly, other students must play an active role in establishing a welcoming classroom. ESL students speak another language fluently; thus, the teacher should help the other students understand that not speaking in English does not mean that ESL students are unintelligent (Gupta, 2019). Such knowledge helps the other students find ways that they can use to interact with ESL students while indoors and outdoors.
Know Your Students and Practice Inclusiveness
Although it is improper to draw needless attention to an ESL student, it is equally wrong to ignore such a student. Therefore, teachers must strive to know ESL students in-depth, which includes an understanding of their cultural background. According to Hilliker and Laletina (2018), extensive reading about various cultures, seeking knowledge from ESL specialists, and interacting with parents are good sources of knowledge regarding ESL students. Similarly, seating an ESL student close to the teacher's desk or frequent eye contact can help the teacher know a lot about such students. However, knowing ESL students is insignificant if the teacher does not cultivate an appreciation of their culture (Chen and Yang, 2017). This implies that both the classroom environment and the curriculum should reflect and honor the diversity of ESL students. The books in the class library, for example, can be covered by covers that reflect the cultural backgrounds of ESL students. Adjusting the look of the classroom using cultural elements may encourage ESL students to respond to questions despite their limited English proficiency.
Growth in the Classroom
Growth in the classroom refers to how both teachers and students learn and apply the newly obtained information in practice (Avalos, 2011). Although there are numerous ways of promoting classroom growth, collaborating teaching and learning has proved to be more efficient. Collaborative teaching and learning involve instructors working in shifts to guide, instruct, and tutor groups of learners. The students deserve to have an environment that is caring as well as stimulating, for them to have the zeal to grow in all dimensions such as emotionally, physically, socially, and even intellectually. Such an environment can only be provided by a combined effort from both the teacher as well as the other students too. To teachers and students, collaborating practices create a flexible culture where it is acceptable to convey misunderstandings, which are vital for positive growth (Andresen, 2015). While in a classroom with a group of teachers and students, for instance, each teacher and student has an opportunity to observe the others and question why they are using certain methods. In such incidences, both teachers and students are likely to adopt or improve their thinking, thus develop...
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