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Teaching in a Specialist Area Education Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Qualification Unit number and title

Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training Unit 423: Teaching in a Specialist Area


You are recently appointed as lecturer to a new college that has the capacity to expand and bring transformation to life.  A subject specialist is required to deliver and create motivation for the students. This is a good institution with a diverse class profile. This is your first contact in the new school, and the management staff is readily available to support you in all aspects of the school’s policy and expectations. You are responsible to demonstrate excellent subject knowledge and to deliver the course with respect to the quality assurance framework. You should be able to demonstrate creativity in your delivery. You also expected to assess the students to reflect their skill enhancement and development.

Note: You are required to review recent articles, books and other relevant literature. Wikipedia is strictly not allowed for references to answer any part of the task given. You must reflect practical understanding of each question and are required to provide candid academic references of any evidence you have in relation to the answer.





Task 1: Report

You are required to demonstrate understanding of the aims and philosophy of education and training in your specialist area. In order to do this, you are required to;

1.1  Explain key aims of education and training in your own specialist area


1.2  Analyze philosophical issues relating to education and training in your own specialist area




Task 2: Report


You are required to respond to the following questions with regards to qualifications and programmes in the subject areas;


2.1    Describe the aims and structure of key qualifications in own specialist area


2.2   Describe the aims and structure of learning programmes in own specialist area


2.3   Explain how own approach to planning and preparation for the delivery of a learning programme in own specialist area enables its aims to be met



Task 3: Report


You should respond with the focus on relating inclusiveness and the curriculum in your subject area.


3.1   Analyse the inclusiveness of own approach to the planning and preparation of a learning programme in own specialist area


3.2   Explain how own approach to the planning and preparation of a learning programme in own specialist area takes account of key curriculum issues, including the role of new and emerging technologies


Task 4: Report


You are to demonstrate  your understanding of how to use resources for inclusive teaching and learning in your specialist area.

4.1   Analyse ways in which teaching and learning resources, including new and emerging technologies, meet the individual needs of learners in own specialist area


4.2   Analyse the inclusiveness of own use of teaching and learning resources in a specialist area


Task 5: Report


You are to be able to show that you can work with others within a specialist area to develop your own practice.

5.1         Liaise with others within a specialist area to develop own practice


5.2         Review the impact of liaison with other teachers and trainers within own specialist area on own practice


Task 6 Report


Demonstrate your ability to evaluate, improve and update your  own knowledge  and skills in your  specialist subject area.


6.1 Review the effectiveness of own knowledge and skills in a specialist area

6.2 Identify own strengths and areas for improvement in relation to practice in a specialist area

6.3 Identify opportunities to improve and update own knowledge and skills in a specialist area


Please note that: All these questions can be answered in a report that has the proposal, research and relevant well thought out findings and conclusions. In order to meet the requirement for the award of DET, a trainee teacher must be able to provide evidence of a minimum of eight assessed observations of practice that meet the required standard of practice.To be eligible for the award of credit for this unit it is recommended that learners have access teaching and learning environments either with groups of students or individual students to enable them to carry out the research. There is a need for learners extensively research and reference the sources very well using the Harvard referencing system.






⮚      You are required to respond tasks and ensure you map your response to the assessment criteria.

⮚      You are allowed to choose any FE sector in the UK or use your own experience of teaching but you must get approval from concerned working sector

⮚      This assessment is designed to assess your achievement of all the Learning Outcomes and associated assessment criteria in the relevant unit of the qualification you are undertaking.

⮚      Your lecturer will advise you about the assignment structure, and the date when you must hand in your completed work.

⮚        You should make sure that you plan your work carefully, to ensure that you cover all the requirements of the assignment, and complete it within the time limit specified.

⮚        You must make sure that you acknowledge any sources you have used to complete this assignment, listing reference material and web sites used.

⮚      You must use Harvard referencing format throughout your work.




Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice. I also declare that I shall be proactive against collusion, malpractice and plagiarism in all my work. All work that I shall submit shall be checked for plagiarism before submission.


Student signature:                                                         Date:



Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Teaching in a Specialized Area
Task 1
Keys Aims of Education and Training
The key aims of education and training in graphics design is to enhance the analytical thinking and creative skills of the individuals. A different variety of courses are offered, which start from entry-level to higher education. The students get accustomed to the latest design techniques and tools that are prevalent in the industry. Design education is focused on solving a problem present in the real world through design thinking. The instructors present and define problems in front of the student and encourage them to use their thinking to improve the user experience. The subject specialist in graphic design develops motivation among the students by creating an interactive learning environment in the classroom (Chiang et al., 2018). Each student is required to conduct research online and apply the different concepts taught in the classroom. In the further education (FE) sector of the United Kingdom (UK), the performing art, design, and art colleges provide specialized training to the teachers to develop professionalism, vision, and imagination in the teachers. It helps the instructors to apply the best practices in teaching for engaging the students. The teachers gain an understanding of the modern teaching technique, which can be applied in the context of a given situation.
Philosophical Issues Related to Education and Training
Numerous philosophical issues are present in education and training related to graphic design. The majority of the degree programs and courses do not prepare the students to face the challenges present in the industry. These issues present within the education system need to be addressed by policymakers. Both the students and teachers need to be provided with training in design thinking and generating creative ideas and thoughts. It is the need of the industry as it will make the future of students secure. The emphasis of the design courses is on equipping the students with software tools like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, and other tools. Only a handful of institutes focus on introducing the design concepts to the students (Inada 2020). There is a considerable deficiency present in the current educational system. The students do not possess the ability to solve a problem independently. In most cases, they seek some assistance from the teachers or online resources.
Task 2
Aims and Structure of Key Qualifications
The graphic design field requires students to use visual communication every day in multiple forms like advertising, print publications, and entertainment. If a student wants to work in a reputed organization with high pay, it is a must to possess a graphic design degree from a college. Creating sample designs and volunteering in a project allows the student to develop a strong portfolio. It demonstrates the skills and abilities of the student to the employer. In some cases, the degree and qualifications may be overlooked if the student possesses excellent creative and design skills. A 4-year undergraduate degree program in graphic design provides the students with the necessary skills. The structure of the British academic design program is based on both theoretical and practical concepts (Alhajri 2017). The aim is to encourage the students to use their thinking and design skills to solve a problem. A graphic design carrier requires the student to use originality, intelligence, and imagination to solve complex problems. Adopting multiple designs requires a high level of skill and thinking on the part of the student. The instructor challenges the students to come up with innovative design ideas and creative solutions.
Aims and Structure of Learning Programmes
In the United Kingdom, numerous graphic design courses are available to students to enhance their skills. For instance, British academic institutions like Brighton University offers a three-year and 4-year course to the students to equip them with typography, design, language, and narrative skills. The main focus is on finding a solution to the business problem and understand the industry trends. The online design libraries and communities provide the students with millions of useful resources that enhance their design thinking and technical skills. Currently, the course lectures are being delivered to the students both digitally and on-campus due to the COVID-19 situation. The lecturers remain available to the students during specific hours to resolve their queries. During the first year, the students are introduced to graphic design's and visual communication's basic principles (Bagchi 2020). The workshops and project-based tasks help the students develop their skills. In the second year, the emphasis is on student collaboration and enabling the students to solve any problem independently. In the third and fourth year, the students develop a final project based on their analytical and creative abilities. It gives them the confidence to work on industry projects once they enter professional life.
Planning and Preparation Delivery Approach for Learning Program
The preparation and planning of the delivery of graphic design learning programs are essential for achieving the desired learning outcomes. A good instructor possesses expertise in the graphic design subject and shows practical public speaking skills. The quality of the lecture's deliverance in a classroom plays a vital role in enhancing the learning experience of students (Kurzweil et al. 2020). The whole planning and preparation process of the delivery approach can be broken down into multiple steps. These different components include defining the topic, clarity, and structure and using teaching aids. The lecture topic needs to specific with relevant practical examples so that the students can understand the design concepts. A high-level teacher and student interaction developed during the classroom create the right learning environment where the student feels free to ask questions. A good structure and clarity in the deliverance of information to the students help the individual in keeping the concepts in mind.
Task 3
Inclusiveness of Approach to Preparation and Planning
The clear and concise approach of lecture deliverance plays a vital role in enhancing the learning outcomes of the students. Developing a high level of interaction with the students helps in addressing the issues present in the curriculum. The presence of the right classroom environment encourages students to share their thoughts. The project-based approach adopted by the instructor in the classroom introduces the students to real-world challenges and problems (Yip et al., 2018). The student has to conduct thorough research online to solve design problems and challenges. It enhances the learning skills of a student and prepares the individual to solve any complex problem efficiently. The best teaching approach is to encourage students to explore different topics themselves. It develops the self-learning ability in the student, and the individual is not dependent on anyone else to solve the problem. The students need to develop their thinking abilities in the graphic design field. It will help them in the long run in their professional career. Understanding the given design problem is necessary for the students.
Planning and Preparation approach in Relation to Curriculum Issues
The adoption of new and emerging technologies in lecture preparation and planning helps make the overall task of the teacher easy. The teacher can use a Todo list mobile app like To do list is to list down the essential points that will be covered in the class. During the class lecture, the teacher can only glance at the topics and explain them in front of the class. The formation of student and teacher groups on an app like slack can provide necessary assistance to the st...
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