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Early Childhood Math: Exploring Shapes and Patterns

Essay Instructions:

Directions: Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be three (3) double-spaced pages in length

Part 1

Your assignment is to choose an objective relevant to math for the primary grades. You should use your state math standards. Then use the lesson plan outline below to create a math lesson.

For this assignment, instead of an initial activity, you will start your lesson with a “motivating question,” to not only engage students in the lesson, but to offer the opportunity for a brief informal pre-assessment. The lesson should end with evaluation of both yourself and your students.

A breakdown of what is expected in your assignment is below:

Motivating Question: This question is used to engage students in the lesson. It could also be used as an informal pre-assessment before beginning in order to assess students’ prior knowledge of the topic.

Learning Target: This is stated in complete sentence(s) and is appropriate for an early childhood classroom.

Objective/ Standard: This states a specific state standard. The object can be phrased as, “The student will be able to _____”

Resources/Materials: Lists all materials used in the procedure.

Advanced Preparation: This includes all tasks that must be completed by the teacher before the lesson.

Activities/Tasks: What will students be engaged in during the lesson (small group work, individual tasks, etc)


This states at least 2 questions you will ask yourself to determine whether your students are working and learning, and not just playing.

Formative Assessment/Criteria for Success: How will you assess students’ knowledge of the standard?

Part 2

Math and science can, and should be, intertwined with literacy.

• Books can serve many purposes in math and science.

• Books can be used as initial activities in lessons to grab the students’ attention.

• Books can help foster the use of concept words.

• Books can serve as visual aids in understanding math and science concepts.

Using children’s books is a great way to teach math and science concepts across the curriculum.

1. Find three children’s books that could be used in correlation with a particular math or science concept or skill.

2. In paragraph form, be sure to identify the title and author of each book.

3. Give a brief overview of each book, and explain which math or science concept or skill you would use each book to help teach.

4. Finally, briefly describe an activity you could do with the students as an extension of each story to help teach the concept or skill.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Early Childhood Math and Science

student Name

Institutional Affiliation


Early Childhood Math and Science


The title of the lesson will be: Exploring Shapes and Patterns

Motivating Question

How can shapes be utilized to create patterns?

Learning Target

The learners will explore simple engineering problems. They will start by defining the problem and identifying two-dimensional shapes. The learners will use these shapes to create repeating patterns.

Objective/ Standard

The California NGSS Standard: K-2-ETS1-1 will be used. The K-2-ETS1-1 will allow the learners to make observations and gather the information needed to solve simple mathematics and engineering problems. The standard will require the learners to ask questions that will prompt them to further explore math and science problems (NGSS, 2023). Asking questions will motivate the learners to discover more beyond what they learn in the classroom. The standard will also allow learners to acquire knowledge that will assist them in developing new or improved tools.


Shape stickers

Shape flashcards



Drawing paper


Advanced Preparation

* The teacher is to be familiar with the lesson plan. This will be critical in ensuring a smooth flow of the learning process.

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