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Digital Newsletter for English Language Learners Parents

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Communication with families of ELLs can be challenging but it is vital for student success and family engagement. Many families may be unfamiliar with the standard practices of education in this country. Understanding assessment and how assessment data is used can be particularly difficult to discuss depending on the families’ previous experience with assessment in other educational settings.

Create a digital newsletter for families of ELLs to explain assessment practices. Consider how you communicate the information for non-native English-speaking families. Include the following in your newsletter:

Description of each type of assessment (diagnostic, formative, and summative), including how and when each will be used to support English language instruction

Explanation of alignment of the assessments to ELP and content standards and the use of assessment data to determine student progress in both language and content

Description of testing accommodations for ELLs

Discussion of how the data from assessments will be used to inform instructional decisions and planning, including enrichment and interventions

Identify strategies to communicate timely and meaningful feedback with students and families, including student self-reflection strategies

Support your newsletter with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Digital Newsletter for ELL Parents
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Parents' participation in their children's education benefits English language learners (ELLs) just as other pupils. Some Hispanic families may be reluctant to participate actively due to their poor English skills, lack of exposure to popular society, and education structure in Arizona. Creating a class newsletter is an excellent opportunity for English language learners to practice their writing abilities. They increase their vocabulary by writing and chatting with their classmates. Students improve as writers due to continuous modifications of their work. But, most importantly, children learn how to work together and recognize it quickly. Students learn about the advantages of working together, but they also experience a strong feeling of ownership once they see the final product. This is a fantastic exercise for kids from all cultural backgrounds to get together and work constructively.
Computer-adaptive testing (CAT) is the best option for youngsters with learning and social-skills development issues. CAT stands for computer-assisted testing, adjusting to the student's aptitude level. The concept of an adaptable exam is not new. Oral intelligence testing and comprehensive examinations both use the method of adapting questions to the learner. CAT is programmed to adapt to the learner's answer to fit the learner's knowledge and abilities. The goal is to assess a student's abilities more accurately (Kimura 2017). The sole disadvantage of CAT is that the learner cannot go back to prior questions, which might cause worry. "Item response theory (IRT)," an instrumental psychometric approach, is used in CAT evaluations. The primary benefit of employing IRT is aligning learning elements and test-takers on a comparable scale (Kimura 2017). Because the CAT is personalized to each student's abilities, there is no prejudice in the classroom. After determining the child’s requirements, the IEP team sets suitable objectives to help the kid meet those needs. The yearly goals specify what the learner is expected to learn or accomplish for a year. The content of an IEP must comply with specific learning rules, namely the "Individuals with Disabilities Education Act IDEA," which establishes a minimum assessment threshold for determining yearly objectives.
Changing the testing environment is one of the suitable adjustments that has been proven helpful to ELLs. Standard adjustments for ELL tests include allowing extra time and providing learners with glossaries and dictionaries. Other adjustments deemed advantageous to ELLs involve changing the whole exam by generating multilingual reviews, altering the native language, a...
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