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View of Teaching and Instructions and How Learning Occurs in Physical Education

Essay Instructions:

write a 6 to 8-page paper (not including title page and references) reflecting on principles of learning and instruction covered in the book. The overarching question the paper should answer is, “What does this mean for me as a future PHYSICAL EDUCATION teacher?” Students will discuss how the text and research cited has influenced their view of teaching and instruction as well as how learning occurs. Did the information align with her or his current understandings? How does the information covered in the book align with foundational theories covered in the Durwin & Reese-Weber (2021) textbook? What questions does the student still have and how might they go about answering them? The student can share specific “take-aways” that they believe will be most useful for them during their first few years as a teacher.

textbook download link- http://library(dot)lol/main/F1C3CB3B19E43606552F77D3ECB74B2E

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Physical Education is a subject that students often overlook. Physical education courses are offered every semester from elementary school through college, and students are exposed to various sports and activities. Students frequently, if not always, query why it is required to complete the course. This topic is readily answered by the saying, “One cannot appreciate their money if their health is damaged,” which means that in order to enjoy life, we must first take care of ourselves, people’s mental and physical feelings, and if the following are satisfied, life will have a long-lasting memory. The phrase above explains why Physical Education is always required for the completion of a school year; students need to believe the subject can be inconvenient at times, but in the long run, and also recognize its value and the confidence it can provide when playing and competing with their peers, in this paper the author will expound the importance of physical education to people and its significance to the instructor itself.
Physical education comprises cognitive content and teaching targeted at improving motor skills, knowledge, and behaviors for physical exercise and fitness. Encouraging schools to incorporate physical education into their daily routines can help kids develop the students’ skills and confidence to stay physically active for the rest of their lives. During this outbreak, students are also obliged to participate in physical activity. Some of them are digitally filmed and given to their instructors, and others engage in conventional face-to-face activities due to the relaxation of contact limits.
Physical education teachers assist developing children to improve coordination, learning collaboration, developing a love of physical exercise, and building excellent hygienic practices in primary school. Older students’ teachers concentrate on skilled sports like basketball and volleyball, and many also coach one of the school’s sports teams. In higher education, physical education instructors frequently teach the science of health and nutrition.
The first part of the book is where the origin and discovery of how to make the lives of future generations much healthier and free of any complications are discussed. Reading this makes me realize that teachers can be one of the contributors to making the future hope of this planet live a healthy life and enjoy their days free of health. That makes me feel pleased and encouraged to keep pursuing their goals. Recognizing the consequences of physical education in everyone’s life is life-altering. According to the book, physical education may improve mood and spark a new hidden ability in everyone. Many teenagers nowadays desire to look buff and have muscular cuts on their bodies, but the students lack the motivation or enthusiasm (Ratey, 2008).
The author of this article is currently pursuing a career as a physical education teacher. The ideas and teaching methods discussed in this module have tremendously aided me in broadening their understanding of why physical education is such an essential component of a student’s development. “The First Spark,” as one of the readings in the module put it, has given me a new perspective on the relevance of this course. Teachers should understand that to teach physical education; Proctor must first educate themselves so that the quality of their instruction is as high as possible. Also, a physical education teacher must persuade their students to live a healthy lifestyle (Ratey, 2008). Our mind and body are inextricably linked; sometimes, our bodies tell us that we are tired, but if we believe that we can still move, we can; this is known as mind over body. We may overclock our bodies to perform more than we usually can. Being weary is our body’s method of telling us that our muscles are fatigued and need rest to protect themselves. That effort is what people like to refer to as “pushing the limit.”
A physical education teacher must encourage their students to continue living a physically active lifestyle, which the teachers may achieve by using words of wisdom and tremendous encouragement. According to the book, when the brain is urged to take in information, the demand automatically causes activity between neurons. The more activity there is, the stronger the attraction and the easier it is for the signal to fire and form the link (Ratey, 2008). This concept of repetition ignites a teaching approach for me because, just as a repetition of the usage of a muscle strengthens it, repetition of the mind to be fit may strengthen it. The students must have someone to support them, and here is where I, as a teacher, can assist them.
Students repeat a word repeatedly to memorize it or make their neurons expand to boost information retention when studying for a test. Also, when something pleasant or amusing is seen, our minds automatically store this memory in the hopes that it will ignite something unique in the future (Durwin & Reese-Weber, 2020). Hence, teaching interactively with their future students will assist me in instilling as much information in them as possible. Physical Education class can also be considered “playtime” or the time students will participate in sports as part of their curriculum. Using this “happy time” for the children to teach them fundamentals will help the information stick in their minds.
Some sports require a person to move and interact with their environment, which is why physical education in today’s universities includes a variety of sports so that students can find sports in which they excel. Students can also gain confidence in their abilities by competing in sports, leading to them living a healthy life. Some children discover their passion in school, and their schools value them because they want their pupils to succeed in...
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