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Can merit pay accelerate school improvement Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

This is an argument. Pick an author from a yes or no side. I will attach template, rubric, and practice essay. Remember to use 3 quotes in the quote section and i need 2 other sources besides the textbook.


Paper Rubric

Paper Rubric




This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Summary of Author’s viewpoint

3.0 pts

Completely and thoroughly summarized the author’s perspective.

2.0 pts

Generally summarized the author’s position, but with some significant gaps.

1.0 pts

Marginally summarized the author’s position with substantial gaps.

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Identified quotations with rhetorical ploys and fallacies

3.0 pts

Identified three quotations that can be linked to a rhetorical ploy of fallacy.

2.0 pts

Identified two quotations that can be linked to a rhetorical ploy of fallacy.

1.0 pts

Identified one quotation that can be linked to a rhetorical ploy or fallacy.

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Identified known rhetorical ploys or logical fallacies

3.0 pts

Identified known rhetorical ploys or logical fallacies

0.0 pts


3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Provided Additional Support of Opposition to the Author’s viewpoint, without using rhetorical ploys or fallacies.

3.0 pts

Provided a strong statement of support or opposition to the author’s position, without utilizing rhetorical ploys or fallacies and using two references in APA format.

2.0 pts

Provided a somewhat effective statement of support or opposition to the author’s position, without utilizing rhetorical ploys or fallacies, and using 1 reference in APA format.

1.0 pts

Provided a somewhat weak statement of support or opposition to the author’s position.

3.0 pts

Total Points: 12.0


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Assignment Model
Week X: Can Merit Pay Accelerate School Improvement?
Assignment: Identifying Fallacious Arguments and Rhetorical Ploys
Educational Issue: Can Merit Pay Accelerate School Improvement?
Educational Expert Position
Yes: Steven Malanga
No: Stuart Buck and Jay P. Greene
Summary of Author’s Position:
Steven Malanga explains that merit pay is important to the education system's stability and prosperity (Malanga, 2010). He believes that teachers must be paid for what they achieved in the classroom rather than their seniority or the credits they have accumulated. He further mentions the disparity in the education system and how merit pay has benefited the American System. Steve also firmly thinks that the traditional pay system has toppled many rich economies into a downfall. In his early works, Steve discussed the traditional paying system's adverse impact on the American Taxpayer.
Rhetorical Fallacies and Ploys Used by the Author:
Quotations and Rhetorical Ploys
Part 1: Quotations
“Missing from the argument, though, are the lessons from the private sector, where sophisticated, performance-based compensation has been de rigueur since the 1980s (Noll, 2013, p. 261).”
“One major benefit of the merit system is that they enable schools to pay teachers-especially young and ambitious teachers-fatter salaries (Noll, 2013, p. 264).”
Part 2: Rhetorical Ploy
The writers used the appeal to ignorance by pointing out the un-explored parts of the argument. He focuses on the fact that the authorities are unaware of the efficiency of using merit pay in the private sector. Using the word “Missing,” he appeals to the audience that since the system of merit pay is already flourishing in the private sector, it would also prove beneficial to the current government education system.
Steve used the Red Herri...
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