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Confronting Persistent Social Inequalities in American Schools: Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

This activity will not simply be a summary of what you have learned; rather you will be asked to use critical thinking in order to articulate how you are identifying and examining your own assumptions about students, teachers, and schools as well as how your assumptions may be changed or changing. Additionally, you will synthesize what you are learning in order to take a stance on inequality in schools using evidence from sources we are reading and studying together in the course.

Your task has two parts: 1) a visual component and 2) a written component.

Visual: You will share an image that represents something at the core of what you have learned in the first 5 weeks of the course about Confronting Persistent Social Inequalities in American Schools. It may be a photo you take for the assignment or one you have taken previously, a photo you find online, a painting...any visual representation you choose.

Written: You will submit a 2 - 3 page essay explaining how your image invokes key aspects of the course and what you have learned thus far. Please address how you are identifying and examining your own assumptions about students, teachers, and schools as well as how your assumptions may be changed or changing. Please cite a minimum of three course texts ("text" includes articles, chapters, podcasts, and videos) in your essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Confronting Persistent Social Inequalities in American Schools
Student’s Name
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Course Code: Course Name
Professor’s Name
Confronting Persistent Social Inequalities in American Schools
America is a diverse country that is home to different racial groups. Over the years, minority groups have been undermined, and their access to essential services such as education limited. This has birthed inequalities that have existed for years. Many inequalities are experienced within America as more people are denied opportunities to learn because of their racial affiliation. In the visual representation selected, we can see that many black students are being suspended from schools compared to other races. Systematic racism within the education sector has denied many black students opportunities to learn. These social inequalities cause a high crime rate, poverty, and other social ills associated with minority groups.
While the government allocates more funds to schools, many discriminatory policies prohibit minor communities from accessing education. There are many disparities within the education sector, with negative attitudes seen among teachers, students, schools, and the government. At each level, certain actions must be taken in order to warrant positive results for the individuals. There is a need to have proper policies that will guarantee education access, eliminate discrimination, and warrant collaboration between teachers, students, and schools. The goal is to ensure that no one is left behind, and all social inequalities within the American schools are eliminated.
The racial differences in social and economic abilities also influence the ability of students in schools. It is believed that certain communities' poor economic and social status contribute to the high rate of suspension, classification to special classes, and limitation to what courses they can undertake. In this regard, there are still many challenges that individual experiences due to the systematic racism entrenched within the education system. In many instances, teachers and administrators sort students into different educational experiences based on their race. Moreover, some students within the school's environment feel more entitled than others. The sorting of students is based on social status, economic status, and racial background. These discrepancies continue to limit many students from accessing quality education services (Loury, 2019).
In order to eliminate the prevalent inequalities, there is a need to develop frameworks that include various student groups and enhance collaboration. Teachers must play a central role in ensuring that there are effective interactions and collaboration between students. Initiating collaboration and addressi...
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