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Synthesis Paper - Researcher Skills (Education Essay)

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment, you will identify three themes common to the articles and write a synthesis paper about research skills using evidence from the articles to support your themes. Use the skills you developed in RES-815 while completing the Emerging Writer Worksheet in which you identified themes, supported them with evidence from the articles, built a thesis claim, and outlined your paper.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

Review the articles by Lindsay (2015); Lee, Chankg, and Bryan (2020); and Klocko, Marshal, and Davidson (2015) located in the Study Materials for this topic.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

Refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for specific guidelines related to doctoral-level writing. The manual contains essential information on manuscript structure and content, clear and concise writing, and academic grammar and usage.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.


Write a paper (1,000-1,250 words) that synthesizes the Lindsay (2015); Lee, Chang, and Bryan (2020); and Klocko, Marshal, and Davidson (2015) articles. Your paper should include the following:

An introduction that introduces and provides context for the topic. This includes presenting a clear thesis statement.

Identification of and support for three themes with evidence from each article. Synthesize your discussion of the topic to support your thesis.

A conclusion that demonstrates support of your thesis statement, briefly summarizes the main points from your three themes, and makes recommendations for future research on the topic.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Synthesis Paper
Synthesis Paper
For over a long time, the low doctoral completion rates have been an issue of concern. Ideally, many students begin the program but only a few get to complete the same at the required time. This worrying trend is largely attributed to the difficulties that doctoral students encounter in writing their theses or dissertations. The main challenge is usually getting the thesis or dissertation to be approved by the institution or faculty members because in many cases, they are not of the required standard. These great expectations on the doctoral students can prove to be challenging to the students and often contribute to the delay in their timely completion. In their articles, the authors Lindsay (2015); Lee, Chankg, and Bryan (2020); and Klocko, Marshall, and Davidson (2015) explore this issue and look at some of the possible ways of helping the doctoral students in order to ensure timely completion. Generally, the authors agree that dissertation writing is a stressful process and a big challenge to doctoral completion and therefore, support from faculty members and peers is needed to ensure successful completion.
The process of writing a dissertation is usually very stressful and often contributes to delays in doctoral completion. According to Lee et al., (2020), only 56.6% of all students in Canada and United States’ universities are able to successfully complete their doctorate programs. The researchers attribute this to the lack of adequate support given to the students during their studies. Notably, this lack of support means that students at this level cannot have their issues addressed in time thereby causing them to take unnecessarily long to complete their doctoral program. Offering timely responses and support is therefore important in helping address this challenge. Similarly, Klocko et al., (2015) also point out that the process of writing a dissertation is long and full of stress, doubt and anxiety. This stress and anxiety often stem from the fact that the faculty has great or unclear expectations for this students. Considering the other demands from their professional and personal lives, most PhD students find it challenging to meet their academic goals and expectations. The unclear expectations make the situation worse since every faculty member is said to have their own expectations that may differ thus confusing the students. Concerning this, it is noted that a student’s writing could be approved by one supervisor but be rejected by another (Lindsay, 2015), When this happens, it can cause the affected students unnecessary stress and increasing doubts in themselves thus leading to lower scores and lower chances of completing the course on time. Stress and doubt also emanate from the underdeveloped writing skills among the doctoral students, which makes the quality of their work low, also leading to lower scores and decreased completion rates (Klocko et al., 2015). Therefore, from this, the authors in these three articles agree that stress and doubt associated with writing doctoral dissertations leads to delays in students completing their PhD programs, hence there is need to address the issue.
In order to address the mentioned problem, it is suggested that doctoral students get the needed support from faculty members particularly their supervisors. Evidently, supervisors have a very important role to play when it comes to ensuring timely completion since they offer support in form of recommendations, th...
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