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Cognitive development in Adulthood: Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please answer three questions;

No additional resources.

Notes: This course is all about human development and early childhood educator; this two question mainly focused on the Cognitive development in Adulthood

This course is opened for future educators, so the answer should be written from educator's perspectives.

1. Some theorists believe there is a stage of cognitive development beyond Piaget’s fourth formal operational stage. These theorists believe "postformal thought" is a new cognitive development that emerges in early adulthood to tackle a new set of cognitive tasks that cannot be accomplished using formal operational reasoning. Theories on this fifth stage of cognitive development are speculative. Do you agree that early adulthood coincides with a new development in cognitive processing? Do you believe postformal thought is a different form of thinking about problems or a new higher set of capabilities? Support your answers using evidence from theories mentioned in the textbook, other resources(no more than one resources), and personal experiences.

I uploaded the screenshot for textbook content that related to this question. Please make a CLOSE CONNECTION to the content that I uploaded. The screenshot for this question are named as 1.X

The citation for the textbook:

Lifespan Development, 7th Canadian Edition by Boyd, D., Johnson, P., & Bee, H. (2020), REVEL Version (electronic)

2. Although changes in memory occur with aging, these effects are often not as profound as believed in society, and the age at which these changes occur is often later than people assume. What are some of the age-related changes in memory that surprised you from the readings? Also, what are some of the cognitive processes that might relate to these age-related changes in memory, and what are some of the environmental or experiential factors that may help to bolster memory in middle and later adulthood.

*when answering the first question "age-related changes in memory that surprised you from the readings" please bring up the things from what I uploaded and make a close connection to it then make other thoughts on it, screenshots for this question are labeled as 2.x

No additional resources is needed for this question.

3. Wisdom is something often thought to emerge in middle and later adulthood. But not all people in this stage are considered wise, and wisdom is not a trait that is only observed in later adulthood. What do you think explains advancements in wisdom over time? Are there ways in which young(er) people may also become wise or demonstrate their wisdom? And what is the relation between wisdom and other aspects of cognitive functioning and wellbeing in mid- and late-adulthood?

*Please make connection to the textbook that I uploaded that they were labeled as 3.x

No additional resources is needed for this question.

all of above questions requires not only make connection to the textbook screenshots that I uploaded, but also respond question more thoughts beyond the textbook content, such as personal thoughts, or paraphrase from additional resources.

Thank you and stay safe, let me know if you have any questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cognitive Development in Adulthood
Student’s Name:
Unit Name & Number:
Date of Submission:
Cognitive Development in Adulthood
Question 1
I do agree that early adulthood coincides with a new development of cognitive abilities. Adults gain the capabilities to make their decisions based on situations, circumstances, and past experiences (Boyd et al., 2020). They move toward making practical considerations and become more flexible and balanced. They begin to realize that some decisions may not be entirely black and white. There can be some right or wrong in every situation, some good or bad in specific approaches, or some truth or false in particular ideologies. Additionally, they also gain the capability to identify underlying assumptions to differing perspectives in controversial circumstances.
I also firmly believe that this post-formal thought brings a new way of thinking about young adults' problems. Through time these adults have gained experience and understanding that possibilities do not always become realities (Boyd et al., 2020). These individuals' problem-solving abilities change since while attempting to solve problems, they do so in reflection of their experiences and pasts to make practical and realistic decisions and not idealistic. Additionally, these become capable of differentiating probable problem-solving strategies for different situations. For example, they realize that what seems like a possible solution to a problem with a coworker may not be ideal for solving an issue in a relationship.
Question 2
Some of the age-related changes in adults that surprised me include memory functions and learning regarding new things. It is evident from the texts that memory forg...
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