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Accountability and The leader Army Education Essay

Essay Instructions:


Informative essay Accountability and the Leader in the army (Essay Sample is in this website)


• Minimum of 750 words, no more than 1250 words

• Font is Arial, with a point size 12

• Use standard margins: 1 inch from the left, right, and bottom edges

Do not justify right margins

• Use double spacing

• Utilize a graphic organizer of your choice

• Follow the Army Writing Style and Standard Written English

• Use the five (5) paragraph format

• Use Active Voice

• Use “Second Set of Eyes”

An informative essay on the topic Accountability and the Leader in the army. Paper needs to be written in Arial, font size 12. An outline is required for this paper along with at least 2 credible sources. The specific reason explaining why the document, correspondence, or report is necessary. Breaking down a situation, concept, or argument into its individual parts to examine how they relate to one another. Clear sentence structure using all parts of speech, especially the use of active voice constructions instead of passive voice. The ability to infuse the greatest amount of information into the least amount of words. Using flawless spelling, punctuation, grammar, and mechanics. Also, fairly representing credible sources (citations).

***please include an outline of the essay for the fourth page and most important no plagiarism!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Accountability and Army Leader
Student Name
College/University Affiliation


Accountability and Army Leader

I. Introduction
I.I. Thesis Statement: This paper discusses, accordingly, army leadership as a function of accountability not only as a classic concept of professional commitment of officers to senior commanders yet, more importantly and informed by rapidly changing battlespace landscape, as an evolving concept whereby commanders and subordinates are essentially accountable, each at a certain decision-making level, to mission completion.
II. Body
II.I. Paragraph One: Definition of Leadership:
“[T]he process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization.” II.II. Paragraph Two: Leadership Traits:
agility, adaptability, flexibility, mental and physical resilience, competence, and character II.III. Paragraph Three: Leadership and Accountability Having full mission ownership
III. Conclusion


For millennia, armies have been developing codes of practice and honor in order to ensure efficiency and capabilities of armed forces. The progress of human history has made leading soldiers an increasingly complex matter informed less by vertical chains of command and more by lateral networks of collaboration and communication. Today, world's most advanced armies are more agile, adaptable, competent and engaged. In lieu of a conventional, if not an outdated view, army leadership has come to mean more accountability on leadership side and more independence on followership side. This way, army leadership is no longer an exclusive privilege enjoyed and practiced by a few senior commanders only yet a responsibility shown by example and exercised by practice. The shift from a vertical linearity of leadership to a horizontal network of collaboration and constant communication comes, in fact, in response to several existing and emerging challenges. To put matters into perspective, a close discussion of what leadership is not so much as a classic concept of commanding soldiers to win battles yet, more importantly, as an evolving concept informed by new understandings of accountability under new warfare and battlespace conditions. This paper discusses, accordingly, army leadership as a function of accountability not only as a classic concept of professional commitment of officers to senior commanders yet, more importantly and informed by rapidly changing battlespace landscape, as an evolving concept whereby commanders and subordinates are essentially accountable, each at a certain decision-making level, to mission completion.
Definition of Army Leadership
There are as many definitions of leadership as styles of leadership are. For current purposes, one working definition of leadership is “the process of influencing people by providing


purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization [emphasis added]” (Roberts, 2018). The keyword in leadership definition is, as emphasized, “influencing.” Indeed, leaders are, by definition, influencers. To lead a group of soldiers at base station and/or a battlespace is not about issuing orders to complete a mission as planned. This is, in fact, a routine exercise of short-range outcomes. Instead, a genuine leader is a commander-in-chief of sorts who, despite not necessarily in a high-ranking position, influences actions of subordinates, peers and, sometimes, senior officers in inspiring ways not necessarily included in field manuals. That is why, actual leaders are pe...
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