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Case Study- Chearyun Education Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Early Childhood Education Prompt:

The case study below provides a brief scenario and some specific details about a child/family. Now, before you read the case study imagine yourself that you are the active educator. After you finish reading the steps below in the last step, you will be given a set of questions to respond to and will provide a minimum of 3 paragraphs with at least 5 sentences each in essay format that supplies the answers to the questions.

Step #1. Read the Case Study below:

Case Study- Chearyun

Chearyun is a 4 year old girl. Her primary language is Korean. Her older brother, Gi, is in the third grade. Her father works as an engineer. Mom was a dentist but gave up her profession when she moved to America. The family moved from Korea for the fathers work exactly 1 year ago. The only one who has any knowledge of the English language in the family is the father, who has limited English skills. However, enough receptive English to build on and to support some basic communication needs.

Chearyun attends a part-time play-based preschool. When her parents drop her off she waves and is heard softly speaking to parents. She has no issues with separation. She quickly enters the playground climbing structure to play but it does not appear that she has a specific playmate but does follow along with others in climbing and sliding in a particular direction. She moves to the outside writing center and she draws shapes of people, trees, flowers and animals. She has strong gross/fine motor skills and she is taller than her peers, eats with chopsticks, smiles at others, and appears aware of her surroundings. She does not shy away but uses pointing, pulling or nodding yes or no to convey a want or need. She appears to follow along with the group transitions easily. She hugs her teachers and stays engaged the majority of her time in the preschool. She does not use expressive language. She does not talk.

On occasion, she has outbursts with loud crying and it usually results in finding out that there was some injustice or injury caused by a peer (i.e. different peer takes toys, pushes, or makes faces). It is difficult to console her and she will usually sob long and hard, resulting in a call to the parents to pick her up early due to emotional distress.

During group times Chaeryun looks at the teacher but often drifts and begins to play quietly on the rug with a little hand toy (pony). She works well in the class and does not take toys or disrupt the play of others. She loves to paint, draw, do puzzles, water play or anything you put in front of her she appears curious and takes initiative.

Step #2: Next, read this link titled “Language Acquisition: An Overview” by Kristina Robertson and Karen Ford

The link is https://www(dot)colorincolorado(dot)org/article/language-acquisition-overview

Step #3: Finally, after reading the case study on Chearyun and after reading the “Language Acquisition: An Overview” by Kristina Robertson and Karen Ford, now I want you answer the following questions

Question #1: What is your initial response to this case study on Chearyun? For example, what did you learn?

Question #2: What are the stages of learning a second Language?

And where do you think Chaeryun is in this set of stages and why?

List the characteristics from the case study that help you to make that determination.

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Assignment Guidelines:

• Must be at least 2 full pages

• Should be around 550 words

• Must have a minimum of at least 3 paragraphs with a minimum of 5 sentences for each paragraph.

• Must be in APA, preferably in the Seventh edition of APA format.

• Must have at least one citation reference. In this case you can you use “Language Acquisition: An Overview” by Kristina Robertson and Karen Ford as your reference but just make sure to cited properly in APA.

• Must have a reference page

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Chearyun Case Study
Institution / Affiliation
Chearyun case study
Human communication is an essential part of people’s daily life. It helps people create and share ideas, feelings, emotions, information, thoughts and experience with other people across the world. In reality, communication is vital to the survival and existence of people, communities and states. Besides, it helps people build a bridge of healthy relationships (Buarqoub, 2020). Unfortunately, language acts as a destroyer of bridges of human associations because it divides people from each other.
In the current era of globalization, language remains a barrier to how people convey messages. Language barriers prevent people from understanding each other and constitute the common challenge faced by individuals, governments, groups, organizations, nations and the whole world (Buarqoub, 2020). Some of the common language barriers that prevent people from communication include dialects and language disabilities. Although people may technically communicate in the same language, dialectal variation can make communication challenging. For example, Chinese with Cantonese and mandarin dialects may find it hard to communicate fluently. On the other hand, stuttering, dysphonia, articulation are the common language disabilities.
The case of Chearyun, a four-year-old girl from Korea presents the challenges of language barriers in communication. Chearyun and her family members lack Basic English skills –that limits their communication and interaction with other people in their new environment, America. In the part-time play-based preschool, Chearyun finds it hard to communicate, express herself, make friends and socialize with teachers and other children. For example, when dissatisfied, she often outbursts in crying and cannot say what makes her angry. Also, teachers find it hard to console her and frequently calls her parents, who can only understand her feelings and concerns. Thus said, this case demonstrates the adverse effects of language barriers, including inhibiting academic growth of students, preventing information flow, inability to build relationships, and intense frustrations for parties involved.
Learning a second language involve six stages; pre-production, early production, speech emergent, beginning fluency, inter...
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