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Fellowship and Leadership (Compare and Contrast Essay) Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

Compare and Contrast Essay on follower-ship and servant leadership in the Army(Sample on your website)


• Minimum of 250 words, no more than 600 words

• Font is Arial, with a point size 12

• Use standard margins: 1 inch from the left, right, and bottom edges

Do not justify right margins

• Use double spacing

• Utilize a graphic organizer. venn diagram or outline format

• Follow the Army Writing Style and Standard Written English

• Use the five (5) paragraph format

• Strong Purpose Statement

Active voice

at least 3 reference no more then 5 on its on page

the essay has to start with The Purpose of this essay is to Compare and Contrast Follower-ship and Servant Leadership.

It has to deal with the Army.

Originality no plagiarism please!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Servant Leadership and Followership: Compare and Contrast
Student Name
College/University Affiliation
The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast followership and servant leadership. The emerging realities of the 21st-century military offer a different picture of leadership and followership where leadership, particularly servant leadership, and followership, contrary to long-held beliefs, are complementary and strongly encouraged as exchangeable. To understand servant leadership and followership better, a closer examination is required whereby comparisons and contrasts are made between each. This brief essay aims to compare and contrast servant leadership and followership concepts in military contexts to showcase similarities, differences, and, possibly, ways for integration.
Servant Leadership and Followership: Common Grounds
Unlike a widespread yet mistaken perception, servant leadership and followership share several commonalities. For one, each requires sustained commitment to work (Disque, 2018). Servant leadership and followership require leaders and followers, respectively, to commit to a mission to achieve success. Failing to commit leads to mission failure as only one sure outcome. Second, each is informed by constant communication, up and down, and horizontally, to ensure any given activity, briefing, or mission is understood. Third, each allows for proper dissent should disagreement be expressed to maintain dignity for subordinates and authority for commanders. Fourth, collaboration is essential for servant leadership and followership to work. This is, perhaps, best captured in characteristics of servant leadership including listening up (for subordinates) and down (for commanders); persuasion of commanders to change course by subordinates as well as subordinates to commit a certain course of action involving high risks; and, not least, stewardship whereby commanders, as servant leaders, cater to needs of subordinates, and subordinates have full ownership of mandated service (Griffing, 2019; Disque). Far from being an exhaustive list of similarities between servant leadership and followership, such similarities are only meant to draw attention to the potentials each concept holds– aside from, or perhaps because of, all differences servant leadership and followership have.
Servant Leadership and ...
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