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Writing a Summary and a Paraphrase Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

This is a timed writing task. In this task,

1. You have to write a summary (Tourism, Crime and Aggression)

2. Paraphrase the following text; (Transition to college life is hard).

This is a timed writing task. In this task, you have to write:

A. a Summary of a given text which has (400 words); the original text. 10%

B. a Paraphrase of another text which has (329 words); the original text.10%


This is a Timed Writing Task ends on 22nd October 2020 at 21:30 Dubai time

• Use Times New Roman, font 12.

• The email Subject: Summary and Paraphrase

• If you send the wrong answer, it will be marked as unacceptable; given the lowest mark

Follow the guidelines to produce well-organized writing.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Assignment 2:
Writing a Summary and a Paraphrase
This is a timed writing task. In this task, you have to write a summary of Text 1, "Tourism, Crime and Aggression", and a Paraphrase of Text 2; "Transition to college life is hard"
Text 1: to Summarize
The relationship between tourism and crime has long been noted. Tourism development creates centers of population where visitors are obvious by their dress and the areas they visit. They also tend to carry easily disposed of items of wealth such as cameras, cash and credit cards. They are temporary visitors, and as such are unable to place much pressure on the law enforcement agencies to take action against criminals, or indeed, if the criminals are caught and taken to court, are unlikely to appear as prosecution witnesses. Tourist zones are areas of criminal opportunity, potentially low detection and even lower conviction rates for criminal activity. In such conditions, petty crime can flourish as is evident by stories of Italian youths on scooters seizing handbags from female tourists, or hire car windows being smashed even whilst the occupants sit at traffic lights.
It has also been suggested that there is, on the apart of the host community, a changing attitude towards tourism as the industry expands and grows to the point where it is no longer an interesting and even beneficial extra, but an all pervasive component of daily life. Doxey (1975) developed his Index of Irritation, commonly referred to as the 'Irridex', to describe this development. Initially, it is argued, members of the host community are pleased to see tourists. The tourists bring with them perspectives of societies outside the hosts' experiences. At the same time, the tourists express interest in the hosts' ways of life and in their culture. The tourists are few in number, and the rules of hospitality often mean that they are treated as guests.
In time, however, the numbers of tourists increase, and the former close relationships are no longer possible. In addition, the contacts between tourists and members of the host community become subject to commercial considerations as local entrepreneurs develop accommodation. Enthusiasm turns to indifference. As the number of tourists increase further and tourism becomes an industry, the tourists cease to be individuals. They are customers, merely a source of revenue. Mass tourism occurs. Dependent on the structure of tourism and the number of tourists, indifference may turn to annoyance. Tourists with their cameras may pry into the privacy of the host community. Tourists may be perceived as being aggressive and insensitive to the lifestyles of their hosts. The final stage of the 'Irridex" is reached when annoyance is replaced by obvious antagonism. (400 words)
The article, written by Chris Manning, entitled Tourism, Crime, and Aggression, discusses tourism's harmful effects. Initially, the author provided how crime is elicited due to the particular circumstances of tourism. This includes the tourists' actions (i.e., way they dress), the peculiarities of what they carry (i.e., disposable items like cash), and the authorities' attitude and justice system. In other words, the author meant that the combination of all these circumstances creates an environment for crime to flourish.
Additionally, Manning indicated how tourism could become a source of 'irritation' for the locals through time. He discussed Doxeys's (1975) idea of the 'Irridex,' which said that although tourists are deemed as novelties and varieties when they are few, they then become...
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