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Weaknesses of Human Resources Plan (Education Essay)

Essay Instructions:

You will use Human Resources concepts and theories learned in the course to conduct a detailed analysis of this Human Resources plan. Based on learned best practices, discuss how you would improve any areas of weakness for the recruiting, training, managing, and retention areas.

need about 2 references.

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Weaknesses of Human Resource Plan
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Weaknesses of Human Resource Plan.
Human resource is a category found under the management plan, a theory that was first proposed by Raymond Miles in 1965. He posited that if the management is careful and pays attention to their employees, they can maximize their potential. There are specific tasks assigned to the human resource team, mainly the coordination of the employees. They are responsible for recruiting, training, maintaining, and retaining the employees, among other things. According to the given human resource plan, there are various weaknesses in the fields stated.
Firstly, the recruitment process has specific weaknesses that can be improved when minor details are added. They should consider hiring people from within, which will save on time and other resources. A person from within will have a clear understanding of what is required of them, thus increasing the whole team's productivity and output (Kaehler & Grundei, 2018). The trainer should use the reinforcement theory to reinforce positive behaviors when training the new members of staff. Human resource management should give a clear job description and in-depth. The information provided is minimal, especially considering that they are recruiting people to work for them. Their vision and mission should be more elaborate and address what work the people recruited will be doing. It will allow them to gauge and know whether they are fit for the job or not.
Secondly, they have not indicated the training process for the new members after recruitment. Offering a training plan should be a top priority for the team because even the most skilled peopl...
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