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Types of Leadership and Its Impact

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Leadership can be defined as art to influence others to achieve a particular objective. Leaders have the support of people, and they have a multitude of followers and an easy way to convince them to do an activity. Organizations with appropriate leadership tend to register higher performance as its people get united and lead towards goal attainment.
Styles of leadership and their impacts
There exist several styles that get utilized by leaders in different organizations to produce the needed results. Some of the leadership styles include; autocratic, participative, and laissez-faire. The authoritarian style involves command and control of the followers. For example, a leader in an organization will require that the workers execute orders without questioning(Gandolfi& Stone, 2018). It is a top-down form of management, and as such, people in the lower ranks have no opinions except a right to do duties as ordered by those in the top positions.
The participative style is a democratic kind of leadership style that allows the leaders to involve their followers in decision-making processes. For example, in an organization, a worker can be invited into a consultative meeting to tender their opinions regarding a particular subject matter, which counts a lot. The style brings people closer and enhances teamwork and interaction between top management and the subordinates. This style gives motivation to the workers and has a high level of productivity and organization's performance.
Lastly is the Laissez-faire, which involves fewer oversight roles by managers, is the opposite of the autocratic style. A leader gets to trust his people and requires that they do what they think is prudent as long as it gives the intended results(Al Khajeh, 2018). People get duties and responsibilities delegated to them. In return, they should deliver the best results. It has an impact on developing a ...
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