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Ted Talk Creative Writing: Liz Ogbu and Spatial Justice Summary

Essay Instructions:

Watch the video (Link https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/liz_ogbu_what_if_gentrification_was_about_healing_communities_instead_of_displacing_them) then join in the discussion:

Make a 350-600 word post reacting to the film:

How can planners be part of the "healing" that the speaker refers to at the end of her talk?

Connect the arguments that Liz Ogbu puts forward in this talk to the material we have covered so far this semester. What specific kinds of change is she advocating for and how can planners contribute to her vision?

You are NOT required to do additional research to answer this prompt. Rather, draw on the talk itself, my lectures, and the textbook for evidence to support your argument. Be specific! Which specific planning outcomes, events and other evidence described in her talk best support your claims? Focus on those!

In crafting your answer, it may help you to consider some of the following prompts. It's not possible to adequately cover everything below in 350-600 words, so simply consider these additional prompts as potential discussion points. You certainly should NOT try to use them all, but prompts #7 and #8 will likely be central to your answer.

1) What is spatial justice? What does it look like?

2) Why are "events not enough?"

3) Why is simply selling the land to a developer not likely to help the community?

4) "Why aren't there more jobs and resources in this neighborhood?"

5) What is gentrification and why does it matter for this community (hint: Google "Bayview-Hunters Point" for some quick descriptions of the neighborhood & surrounding areas)

6) "Why is it that we treat culture erasure and economic displacement as inevitable?"

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Liz Ogbu Talk
Institutional Affiliation
Liz Ogbu Talk
Spatial justice is the equitable distribution of geographical resources and services. It is a basic human right for a person to access geographical resources and services. The emphasis on social change using the available geographical resources increases the experience of different people in the community. The equal distribution of geographical resources and services assist the community in having enough money to cater for daily needs. An area with minerals should benefit the community in the area by increasing their income. A geographical site should be of community benefits by using the right events such as job training workshops and annual circus. However, events are not enough to address spatial injustice from a developer releasing toxic waste to the community.
The selling of the land to a developer will not likely help the community due to the developer focusing on profit rather than social justice. The pain of historical spatial injustices from the industrial use of land...
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