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Impact of International Relations Theories (Creative Writing Essay)

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is a take-home essay assignment of 1 question, 3 full pages, to test knowledge and assimilation of the course objectives. Use required readings and outside scholarly sources as needed. This means that you must use materials from the course content on this assignment, focusing on integrating as many readings as possible from content 1-3 in addition to reliable outside sources. This is a formal assessment; you must demonstrate that you can synthesize and analyze the material. This means quotations can only be used sparingly, if at all. Be sure to attribute ideas to the authors by paraphrasing and then citing them at the end of the sentence as in (Author year, page).

Question: Are IR theories useful tools in identifying emerging issues in 21st-century international affairs? If so, how? If not, why not?

Please submit your assignment as a Word doc, using Times New Roman 12-point font, standard one-inch margins, and double spacing.

Name your file LastnameIRLS492midterm

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Impact of International Relations Theories
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Impact of International Relations Theories
International relations theories provide an opportunity for individuals to understand the world by offering insights through different theoretical perspectives. Through such views, one can begin to understand the relationships between human beings in a localized and international context. The role of these theories thus lies in their ability to interpret, forecast, and explain developments on the international scene where available knowledge may not be sufficient (Griffiths, 2007, p.2). IR theories, therefore, offer a deeper understanding of the contexts involving issues such as peace, war, and the role of both state and non-state actors. As a result, IR theories form an essential part of emerging 21st-century issues through its ability to identify and describe them under various contexts.
Firstly, foreign policies rely heavily on the knowledge regarding the capabilities and powers of others in relation to a particular state or country. These include the military power and trade requirements that guide nations in creating agreements or in any other negotiations. However, IR theories also play a part in identifying recurring patterns between different issues and further develop a better understanding of their relationships. This means that the theories can identify potential risks of disagreement based on different explanatory variables (Walt, 2005, p.26). As a result, countries can thus make decisions on cooperation based on such determinations by theories, thus providing the opportunity to understand the reasons behind the designs of other countries.
Apart from that, understanding the risks associated with the security of sovereign nations requires IR theories to understand the background of radicalized groups with the intention of committing acts of terror. With the Islamic world being a significant contributor to terror groups, understanding their backgrounds and factors that lead to their radicalization can help stop the problem (Taşpınar, 2009, p.76). Furthermore, the onset of war, such as the First World War and the Cold War, has been widely explained by the use of the security dilemma theory (Tang, 2009, p.588). Additionally, with any alterations in understanding the concepts of war, failing to consider traditional military tactics can lead to failure when seeking political objectives. This means that concepts of historical experiences, political tools, as explained in IR theories, create the basis for better responses to better achieve an understanding of the warpath before making unprecedented decisions (Vacca & Davidson, 2011, p.27). Policymakers thus can rely on su...
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