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3 pages/≈825 words
Creative Writing
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Online Member Creative Writing Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Maximum three (3) page essay (12 pt. font, double-spaced) that includes the following:

Why would a person choose to pursue education online?

How can that decision helped to shape their life?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Taking A Stand on Whether to Pursue Online Education or Not
Institutional Affiliation:
Course Name:
Online Education
Online education refers to the usage of online resources to complete courses without the need for physical interactions. Universities, colleges, and schools offer this type of learning to cover students in far-flung regions or those unable to attend physical classes in their institutions. These options thus open the doors for more opportunities for students to learn since they carry the same benefits. A learner who registers online for such education has full access to learning materials and instructors and can appropriately complete the course and graduate per the guidelines. As a result, online education provides flexibility, reduced costs, access to expertise, and adequate documentation required for the student.
Firstly, online education offers flexibility for the learner by providing the choices on time to learn. As opposed to traditional learning with fixed lessons and schedules throughout a semester, online learning offers flexible programs and dates (Sadeghi, 2019). Consequently, this enables the learners to juggle careers with their learning process. Thus, an individual registered for the online classes can multi-task and better plan their life due to the ability to delegate activities as needed. Such opportunities distinguish online learning from other modes in learning institutions hence offer progression on multiple aspects of the individual’s life rather than concentrating on one at a time. Online education, therefore, benefits individuals with multiple commitments but a passion for learning hence removing the limits created by physical lessons.
Besides that, online education further reduces the costs associated with attending physical lessons at an educational institution. For instance, costs related to commuting to and from the institution are eliminated. At the same time, accommodation costs are also cut down since the learner can take the classes at the comfort of the learner’s home (Sadeghi, 2019). These costs may take a toll on a learner, especially when faced with multiple priorities, including family and work-related expenses. The reduced cost, therefore, opens up the education sector to more individuals who may not afford conventional methods of learning in higher education. With online education, learners save costs by engaging the course online, enabling adequate planning for funds on other matters.
Learners can also access areas of expertise that would previously be unavailable by traditional educational tools. Since classes are held online, individuals from geographically far areas can access courses unavailable in their regions. This ...
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