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Global Economic Situation: Ireland

Essay Instructions:


The One Minute Assignment

During a routine day at the office at the World Trade Organization where you work, the head of the Council for Trade in Goods sees you in the hallway and asks you about the current trade situation of [see choices below]. You have one minute to tell him your thoughts and make a good impression before he gets into the elevator. What do you say?

For this assignment, choose one of the states listed below to focus on. Write out your comments and time them to make sure they are exactly one minute's worth of material. Time yourself reading the transcript to make sure what you say is one-minute in length. Unlike in real life, here you have the benefit of being able to do research and think about what you want to say so be sure to organize your thoughts. Don't underestimate the role of doing extensive research in determining what is important to say.

States to choose from:

South Africa




South Korea


Besides bringing awareness to the idea that you may be asked unanticipated questions in a work environment, this assignment is about determining what is important to say and what isn't. You're talking to an expert so go straight to the heart of the matter. Please double-space your submission, use Times New Roman Font and 12 pitch. Please put your last name in the file name and upload your submission in one .doc or .docx file.

You should have at least 4 sources for this assignment. One of them should be peer-reviewed. Insert the source as appropriate in the text of your document. When you read the document to time it to one minute, you do not have to include reading the source.

General Instructions for Assignments and Rubrics

All assignments should be written in Word and uploaded as attachments within the Assignments section of the classroom. Use 12 pt. font and double-space. Be sure to put your name and class information on the document and put your name on the file. Insert page numbers. In-text citations to the readings should be included (the textbook and the journal articles as applicable). A reference list should be included at the end of your document. Assignments will be graded using a rubric appropriate for your class level.

Other hints for writing your assignment may be found below.

Additional Resources in the International Relations Program - Turabian Quick Guide and other resources

Due Date

Nov 1, 2020 11:59 PM

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Rubric Name: IRLS392 Assignment Rubric

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ireland’s Current Trade Situation
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Ireland’s Current Trade Situation
Ireland has an open economy, and it is highly dependent on the global economic situation. The country's primary imports include medicine, automobiles, petroleum products, aircraft, automatic data-processing machines, and biological materials. In addition, Ireland exports medical devices, biological products, industrial raw materials, and medicines. In that light, due to the restrictions enacted to curb the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, Ireland has suffered in one way or another, particularly when it comes to importation and exportation of goods. Despite Ireland's economic resilience, international trade has been significantly affected it due to the restrictions of the free movement of goods and services.
The two primary factors threatening Ireland's economy are the over-dependency of the United States of America (USA) on domestic companies and the withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU). Besides, the USA and the UK were among the largest Ireland's trading partners. Others include Switzerland and China (Doherty et al., 2017). The USA's protectionism of local firms has made it difficult for Ireland to export its products. If the situation continues, Ireland has to find another trading partner, which is not easy. Irish exports have also slowed down since the UK's withdrawal from the EU due to currency depreciation. Consequently, Ireland's economy has been trying to absorb these shocks with hopes that everything will work out regardless of these interruptions.
Ireland has a surplus trade balance, which means that the country exports more than it imports. Based on the World Trade Organization (WTO), Ireland exported products worth approximately $164,871 million and imported $107,614 million in 2018. For that year, Ireland had a surplus of $58,854 million, which was an increase of 17.53% from the previous year (Export Enterprises, 2020). When it comes to services, the country imported about $205.294 million. Being a member of the EU, Ireland benefits from the preferential trade agreements. However, with the two significant problems discussed earlier and the trade disruptions cause...
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