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Compare and Contrast Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Creative Essay

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write a compare and contrast essay of your choice

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Compare and Contrast Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics
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Compare and Contrast Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics
Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics are renowned multinationals in the technology space taking into account that this industry has been phenomenal in making the world ‘smaller.’ Both companies have achieved a considerable level of success over the years although each company has pursued different strategies to this end. In essence, Samsung was a vital supplier to Apple before they became a disagreement ensued and they became major competitors. On the downside, the two companies have had major court battles over the years. Nevertheless, it is important to analyze the similarities and differences that exist between the two companies be it from their popular products, innovation, or firm structure.
Both companies are renowned for the production of smartphones and high levels of innovative strategy. Over the turn of the 21st Century, the smartphone market has become a popular niche taking into account its portability and the number of functions it can perform. For instance, the use of social media is a single major decision that could compel one to have a smartphone. Initially, Samsung was a significant supplier to Apple up until 2010 when the Asian company decided to launch its galaxy series. However, their product had close similarities to the Apple iPhone and Jobs was angry that their proprietary idea had been stolen. Nevertheless, both companies have soared to major heights as Samsung has the greatest market share while Apple continues to rack the greater profits when it comes to smartphones. Both companies are committed to producing innovative products. Samsung’s transition from the analog market to the digital market in 1997 has brought significant success while Apple has remained the leader in the smartphone industry with unrivaled product release...
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