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Midterm Assignment Creative Writing Essay Research

Essay Instructions:


Essay question: Examine why social and cultural awareness are important for international civilian police working in UN peace operations. In what ways can a lack of social and cultural awareness compromise a mission?

This assignment helps you achieve our fourth course objective (CO-4): Examine social and cultural awareness within international civilian police working in UN peace operations.

Formatting Requirements: 3 page paper in Arial or Times New Roman font, with sentencing double-spaced.

Source Requirements: Support your analysis with real world examples and research from at least four sources. At least one of these sources should be a scholarly book, paper, or journal article. Use only our course materials to provide the conceptual basis to your answer. Do not "google answer" the question but rely on classroom sources with only real-world examples drawn for outside.

Citation Requirements: Credit all sources in text with parenthetical citations. Include full citations to all sources quoted or summarized in the paper, following Turabian's parenthetical citation/reference list style of citation, in a Reference List at the end of your paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social and Cultural Awareness among UN International Civilian Police Officers
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Social and Cultural Awareness among UN International Civilian Police Officers
International civilian police officers working with the United Nations (UN) peace operations perform significant responsibilities of peacekeeping by bringing individuals from different ethnicities together. In particular, one of the primary objectives of the UN is to restore peace in regions affected by war or any other forms of hostilities. Social awareness entails the ability to empathize and understand people from diverse cultures and backgrounds. In addition, cultural awareness involves understanding differences and similarities among cultures, which fosters effective communication. Social and cultural awareness are crucial for international civilian police officers working in UN peace operations, and the lack of these two elements can compromise peacekeeping missions.
International police officers working in the UN peace missions ought to understand the social and cultural way of living of individuals in war-torn areas for them to succeed in their peacekeeping operations. In particular, peacekeeping missions entail performing various duties and roles. Some of the primary objectives of international police officers include creating safer environments, preventing criminal activities, protecting communities and people, and fighting criminal activities through investigations (Ruggeri, Dorussen, & Gizelis, 2017). For this reason, cops working in the UN cannot ensure people’s safety without understanding how individuals in a specific country live. Cultures make the meaning of safety in different places vary. As such, international civilian police officers should master the beliefs, values, and norms of individuals, they are protecting for them to achieve their purpose. For example, without understanding the language of people in a war-torn region, cops cannot know when the enemies are planning to strike or cause conflicts. In other words, international civilian police officers must interact with individuals to understand how conflicts occur and their causes. Therefore, social and cultural awareness are the foundations of successful peacekeeping operations.
The UN hires police officers from different countries to keep peace in regions affected by war. In that light, these cops cannot work together if they are socially and culturally incompetent. For international civilian police officers to unite, comprehend problems faced by people in a specific region, and eliminate such issues, they should understand each other and individuals in the areas targeted. Indeed, they investigate on different issues before they find out their root causes (Rietjens & Ruffa, 2019). That is the reason why such cops should be culturally and socially aware of people around them to avoid missing critical details that can aid in peacekeeping operations. Specifically, even the communities protecte...
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