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Likert Scale: Measuring the Number of Dependent Variables

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BEH.456 Ruelens Fall 2020 Likert Scale Assignment Instructions: As a team you will work to determine what variable you would like to measure with this questionnaire. This questionnaire will be one method that your team uses to measure the dependent variable proposed in your research study. If you are proposing a study with more than one dependent variable, then you will choose which DV you would like to measure using this questionnaire. You do NOT need to create a different measure for each DV. You can measure the same dependent variable in a number of ways, so this does not need to be the only method that your team uses to measure your DV. Information to consider when deciding on the type of questionnaire to create: • Likert-scale questionnaires are typically used to measure attitudes and opinions but they can be used to measure other constructs as well o For example: attitudes towards parental leave policies; attitudes towards one’s own self-worth (self-esteem); attitudes towards an outgroup (prejudice); likelihood of engaging in a certain behaviour • This questionnaire must be relevant to your research question and to the client’s request • This questionnaire should be novel in that it is not a replica of an already published questionnaire. Think about what is missing from the literature. • This questionnaire must be built into your study design and you should have a clear prediction about responses on this measure o For example: will participants who are exposed to the experimental condition respond differently on this measure than those exposed to the control condition? Will responses on this measure correlate with another variable that you are measuring? Once you and your team decide on the variable that you would like to measure using a Likert-scale questionnaire, you will each work independently to write 10 Likert-scale items for the questionnaire. After I grade your items and give you feedback, your team will ultimately choose the best 10 items to use in your final scale. It is ok if multiple team members end up with similar Likert-scale items. Remember that having multiple similarly worded items can be beneficial in measuring the reliability of a scale. Instructions for your assignment: • You must include your client’s request • You must include the research question that underlies the client’s request • You must include the variable that your team has chosen to measure • You must write 10 different Likert-scale items relevant to the variable you are intending to measure (Formatting on next page) BEH.456 Ruelens Fall 2020 Assignment Format • Put your name and the course number (BEH 456) at the top of the page • Begin with the client’s request, followed by the research question and the variable your team is measuring. List your items after you have provided this information • Write the variable in bold o (e.g., “My team is using this questionnaire to measure Level of Prejudice) • Number your items 1-10 • Use 12-point Arial font • Use 1.5 or 2pt. spacing

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Your team member’s names
_______________, _______________, _______________, _________TianYi Mei______
Your client’s request (not the backstory)
Brynn Kitt (the client) wants to know if extending the current 8-week maternity and paternity policies would have any positive effect on the benefiting children, and ultimately the company.
The research question underlying the client’s request
Would a leave longer than 8 weeks result in physically and psychologically healthier children and parents?
The independent variable is the length of leave while the dependent variable is the effect on children, parents, and company.
1 A leave of more than 8 weeks increases physical wellbeing
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
2 A leave of more than 8 weeks increases your psychological health
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
3 A leave of more than 8 weeks i...
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