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Personal involvement with the NYU campus community

Essay Instructions:

The prompts:

Discuss your personal involvement with the NYU campus community. Talk about your level of involvement, which activities you attended, etc. Did attending campus events encourage involvement or impact your decision to become involved?

While transitioning to NYU, what specifically aided in your success? What services or assistance could NYU have provided that would have made your transition easier?

If you studied aboard: How was your study abroad experience? Did it shape you into a global citizen in a multicultural world?

If you are a senior: Please compare where you are now to your first days at NYU. How do you see yourself now? What changes will you make for your future?

If you have started/completed the fieldwork component: How was your Fieldwork experience as an Applied Psychology student? In what ways did you connect the theories, research, and practices to your field site?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discuss your personal involvement with the NYU campus community. Talk about your level of involvement, which activities you attended, etc. Did attending campus events encourage involvement or impact your decision to become involved?
Pursuing higher education, especially in one’s preferred field, is always more like living the life that one so much desired. It brings out the passion and the zeal to pursue education, while provides an individual with the experience of a lifetime in the given institution. This is especially the case for me at NYU. I have so much to relate with when I think and reminisce of the good times I had at the institution. My personal involvement at the institution went as far as engaging in various activities. These activities include participating in various leadership workshops which trained several qualities of good leadership. They helped mold me into a more refined individual capable of taking the initiative to manage or lead others as well.
While transitioning to NYU, what specifically aided in your success? What services or assistance could NYU have provided that would have made your transition easier?
While transitioning at NYU, the most important elements that helped in my success were the psychology and counselling department, as well as the cosmopolitan environment. For anyone in a new environment, there is always the obvious likelihood of experiencing culture shocks in one way or the other. Learning how to handle such can be crucial to how fast someone can fit into the given environment. The longer one takes, the harder it will become. The psychology department was essential in ensuring that I had some sense of closure from my previous stage of life to the one I was getting into. In this manner, my mentality became more accepting and anticipative of what lied ahead as a new experience. The cosmopolitan environment provided me with what I could term as ‘shock absorbers’ for whatever forms of culture shock that I would experience in my new surroundings. At least I could find a few people whom I could relate with in some way.
If you studied aboard: How was your study abroad experience? Did it shape you into a global citizen in a multicultural world?
While I might have a limited knowledge of studying abroad, I have had some experience with online or virtual learning. In such a scenario, one really learns a...
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