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Creative Writing
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Reflection on Photography Class

Essay Instructions:

In the before times, this class featured a hard-copy journal that we all kept, sketching shoot ideas, taking notes on the speakers, tucking in things we tore out of print sources or had written in other classes, etc. With our all-virtual format, that went by the wayside, but while we won’t be meeting to look over each others’ sketchbook journals, we wanted to still have a moment for looking back over your first semester and taking stock.

The class talked a lot about Influences, and the college experience has traditionally been a big one. Even in 2020, where we’re not all gathering together in the city, you’re probably not exactly the same person you were when you got your acceptance letter or logged in to the first class session.

For our final project, we’re going to look back at how we’ve been influenced by our experience of this semester.

How has your photography changed? What were the biggest new influences in your thinking or methods (not just from this class, but overall - lighting techniques, concepts in photography, other students, new styles of shooting). What has made you think about photography in a new way, inspired your existing style of work, or caused you to reconsider something you were doing before?

Influences are also from outside of class. We talked about spheres of influence at the beginning - our work is influenced not just by our peers or established photographers, but also our lived experience. How have the events of the past six months changed your work? Are you exploring different topics, have you found new ways of making your work to get around the limitations we’re all facing?

In 500 (or more) words, tell us how you think you and your work have changed in 2020.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection on Photography Class
[date]The past six months of being in this class have been a beautiful experience for this academic semester. I would love to always look back on how we started, how the process went, and how it contributed to my development as a creative individual. Though, it is kind of disappointing that the semester for this course is at its end. There is still a lot more to explore and learn about photography and six months are not enough. More than the technicalities and mechanics of proper photography, first-hand application of the knowledge and experiences from class activities have honed my skills. Not only in photography, but my creative side has become more appealing not just to my eyes but to other people as well.
Before entering this class, I have little knowledge about lighting, shades, shadow, and the likes. It never even occurred that much to me that those elements bring different images, feels, and vibe to a creative shot. This class made me aware of the photography elements I need to know. The application of shadows and lights allowed me to see different personalities of one subject, maybe a person, an animal, or anything. More simply, I learned to manipulate light to add more meaning and depth to my output. Honestly, the first time I was presented with how light affects the subject's look, it was unbelievable. The technique taught me, not only in photography but also in our daily activities, that lighting adds to th...
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